2023-04-29 05:42:29 +01:00

127 lines
4.6 KiB

# Tufte Hugo Theme
[![Contributor Covenant](](
## History of this project
Hugo-Tufte is a minimalist blog-like theme for the
[static site generator Hugo]( that
attempts to be a faithful implementation of the
[Tufte-css]( project. The current version supports mathematical typesetting via [KaTeX](
- The original repo: [shawnohare/hugo-tufte](
- Second repo: [slashformotion/hugo-tufte](
- This ([loikein/hugo-tufte]( is now the _de facto_ third repo although my original intension was only to make a few tweaks.
## Quickstart
### Prerequisite: Hugo Extended
You'll need to install Hugo Extended for this theme to test it locally, since this theme uses SCSS.
- On Windows:
- Using [Chocolatey](
choco install hugo-extended # remember, you might need admin privs
- On macOS:
+ Using [Homebrew](
brew install hugo
### Check out the example site
git clone
cd hugo-tufte/exampleSite
hugo server --buildDrafts --disableFastRender
Then open `localhost:1313` or wherever it says in browser.
The showcase posts are:
- `The big old test page`
- `Tufte CSS`
### For a new site
hugo new site <your-site-name>
cd <your-site-name>/themes/
git clone
Add `theme: 'hugo-tufte'` to your `config.yaml` to let your site know to actually use _this_ theme, specifically.
Then run `hugo server --buildDrafts --disableFastRender` and open `localhost:1313` or wherever it says in browser.
## Features
### Math
In this version, I use [Yihui Xie's method]( to support (almost) seamless LaTeX rendering with [KaTeX](
For usage and examples, refer to [./exampleSite/content/posts/ ](
Downside: LaTeX in post title is no longer supported.
### Site Parameters
`params` for this theme are:
- `subtitle` string: If set, displayed under the main title.
- `showPoweredBy` boolean: If `true`, display a shoutout to Hugo and this theme.
- `copyrightHolder` string: Inserts the value in the default copyright notice.
- `copyright` string: Custom copyright notice.
- `math` boolean: Site wide kill switch for Latex support
- `codeBlocksDark` boolean: If `true`, code blocks will use a dark theme.
- `marginNoteInd` string: (NEW) Custom indicator for margin notes, with suggestions in comment. (Only displayed on mobile devices or inside `cols` shortcode.)
_(The followings have not been tested for this repo, use at your own risk.)_
You can add links to your social media profile by using thoses parameters:
- `github`: string
- `gitlab`: string
- `twitter`: string
- `patreon`: string
- `youtube`: string
- `medium`: string
- `reddit`: string
- `stackoverflow`: string
- `instagram`: string
- `mastodon`: string
- `orcid`: string
- `google_scholar`: string
Please see [`exampleSite/config.yaml`]( to see the full implementation with exemples.
### Page Parameters
- `math` boolean: If `true`, try to render the page's LaTeX code using KaTeX.
- `meta` boolean: If `true`, display page metadata such as author, date, categories.
+ `hideDate` boolean: If `true`, do not display a page date in metadata.
+ `hideReadTime` boolean: if `true`, do not display the page's reading time
estimate in metadata.
- `toc` boolean: if true, display the table of contents for the page.
- Layout parameters: (NEW)
+ For more information, see [Hugo's Lookup Order | Hugo](
+ `type` string: If set to `book`, layout files in [./layouts/book/]( will be prioritised.
+ `layout` string: If set, layout files with the name of this field's value will be prioritised.
### Shortcodes
This theme provides the following shortcodes in an attempt to completely
support all the features present in the [Tufte-css]( project.
For usage and examples, refer to [./exampleSite/content/posts/ ](
- `blockquote`
- `div`
- `epigraph`
- `marginnote`
- `sidenote`