Shawn O'Hare 45c0414b3d Add section shortcode.
It seems there are some issues in wrapping complex blocks of markdown in
html tags, especially when the block contains other short codes.
Content would either only partially render or fail completely.
2015-12-30 21:34:52 -08:00

2.6 KiB

Tufte Hugo Theme

Hugo-Tufte is a minimalist blog-like theme for the static site generator Hugo that attempts to be a faithful implementation of the Tufte-css project. It supports mathematical typesetting via MathJax. By utilizing copious partial templates the theme is largely customizable.

Site Parameters

The site specific parameters that this theme :wrecognizes are:

  • subtitle string: This is displayed under the main title.
  • showPoweredBy boolean: if true, display a shoutout to Hugo and this theme.
  • copyrightHolder string: Inserts the value in the default copyright notice.
  • copyright string: Custom copyright notice.

Page Parameters

  • hideDate boolean: if true, do not display a page date. When meta is set to true, hideDate takes greater precedence.
  • hideReadTime boolean: if true, do not display the page's reading time estimate. When meta is set to true, hideReadTime takes greater precedence.
  • math boolean: if true, try to render the page's LaTeX code using MatheJax. The theme follows the conventions in [Hugo's MathJax tutorial].
  • meta boolean: if true, display page meta-data author, date, categories provided these page parameters exist and are not overridden. Content in the /post directory, (i.e., pages of type "post") ignore this parameter.
  • toc boolean: if true, display the table of contents for the page.


This theme provides the following shortcodes.

  • marginnote

    • Description: Wrap text to produce a numberless margin note.
    • Usage: Accepts a required positional argument that is the margin note id. {{% marginnote "<margin note id>"" %}}...{{% /marginnote %}}
    • Example: {{% marginnote "mn-example" %}}Some marginnote{{% /marginnote%}}
  • section

    • Description: This shortcode is provided as a work-around for wrapping complex blocks of markdown in section tags.
    • Usage: {{< section "<begin || end>" >}} map respectively to <section> and </section> tags.
    • Example: {{< section "begin" >}} inserts a <section> tag, while {{<section "end" >}} inserts the closing </section> tag.
  • sidenote

    • Description: Wrap text to produce an automatically numbered sidenote.
    • Usage: identical to marginnote. Accepts a required positional argument that is the side note id. {{% sidenote "<side note id>"" %}}...{{% /sidenote %}}
    • Example: {{% sidenote "sn-example" %}}Some sidenote{{% /sidenote %}}



  • Describe the role of each template file, as commenting within the files themselves seems to break the templates.