# Remove this if your site folder is not inside the theme folder themesDir = "../../" # Set your theme here theme = "hugo-tufte" # The url of your website baseurl = "https://slashformotion.github.io/hugo-tufte/" # The title of your website (shown on all the pages) title = "Hugo-tufte Theme Example Site" # Site wide kill switch for Latex support math = true # (If math is enabled) ## if "katex" is set to true katex will be used to render LaTex, if not MathJax will be used instead katex = false [params] # Subtitle of the website subtitle = "Subtitle goes here." # Your name or the name of you company copyrightHolder = "Copyright Holder" # Show the "Powered by Hugo-Tufte and Hugo." showPoweredBy = true # Site wide kill switch hidedate = false # Uncomment for dark code blocks # codeBlocksDark = true [taxonomies] category = "categories" series = "series" tag = "tags" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Navigation menu # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [[menu.nav]] name = "Home" pre = " " weight = -110 identifier = "home" url = "/" [[menu.nav]] name = "Posts" pre = " " weight = -100 identifier = "posts" url = "/post" [[menu.nav]] name = "Categories" pre = " " weight = -90 identifier = "categories" url = "/categories" [[menu.nav]] name = "About" pre = " " weight = -80 identifier = "about" url = "/about" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Footer menu # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [[menu.footer]] name = "" pre = " " weight = -100 identifier = "github" url = "https://github.com/slashformotion/hugo-tufte" [[menu.footer]] name = "" pre = " " weight = -90 identifier = "twitter" url = "https://twitter.com" # Don't change the settings below [markup] [markup.goldmark] [markup.goldmark.renderer] unsafe = true # make the shortcodes work [markup.highlight] noClasses = false pygmentsUseClasses = true canonifyurls = true