This commit is contained in:
Phil Bajsicki 2023-09-07 20:33:25 +02:00
parent 153ed863ac
commit 68e16f6b9b
19 changed files with 2367659 additions and 46479 deletions

View file

@ -1,11 +1,61 @@
#+title: Factorio Recipe Analyzer
#+author: Phil Bajsicki
#+PROPERTY: header-args :tangle
#+PROPERTY: header-args :tangle no
* Intro
This is a simple script which generates an analysis of each recipe into its component parts, and delivers insight into the balance and progression of a mod.
This is, ideally, a script which:
1. Generates an analysis of each recipe into its component parts, and delivers insight into the balance and progression of a mod.
2. Allows for easy editing of item, recipe, building, technology properties.
3. Allows those edits to be easily exported into lua files, creating compatibility between various mods. Or at least assisting in making that compatibility happen.
The .csv files used as input are generated in Factorio, by loading a new game with only ~base~ and your chosen mod enabled, and running the following Lua code:
Of course, that's a long shot.
* On this file.
This is a literate script. The source code is embedded in these code blocks, and tangled into the script using org-babel. This allows me to write a description of what I want to do, and comment on it without resorting to ~// /* */~ ugly comments.
If you open this org file raw (e.g. by clicking [[][here]]), you will see that there are a number of different blocks.
There is a rough overview of the structure:
,#+name: Name of the following source block.
,#+begin_src lang :tangle
[code goes here]
~:tangle~ defines the file into which the code block will be passed to ~org-babel-tangle~. To disable, pass ~no~.
In the begging of the file, we can set global (in the scope of the file) properties, such as the default target for ~:tangle~:
~#+PROPERTY: header-args :tangle no~
The easiest way to generate outputs from here is to open this file in Emacs, and run ~M-x org-babel-tangle~. If you're using [[][Doom Emacs]], the default key binding is ~C-c C-v C-t~.
*Important note:* the files in ~./data~ are working files. They're not intrinsic parts of the script. Everything you need should ideally be contained within this one single .org file.
However, inevitably, since we're dealing with external data, there are some...
** Dependencies
1. Hard dependenciens:
1. Factorio. Obviously. You need version at least 1.1.87, since that added the ~--dump-data~ argument, which we use.
2. Perl > 5.14, for JSON::PP and Data::Dumper.
2. Soft (useful) dependencies:
1. Emacs, org-mode, org-babel. These make the workflow much easier, however you don't need these; they only save time.
2. sh so you can execute the following from within Emacs.
3. GNU coreutils (cp, mv). These aren't hard depends, since you can move the files manually. This is so you can just ~C-c C-c~ over the code blocks.
* License
I don't own the source csv files generated by Factorio, nor the mods the script is pulling from. This script itself is GPLv3, with the exception of third-party libraries licensed otherwise.
***** TODO: include GPLv3 in the repo
** Credits:
The following are mods from which .csv files have been generated. The recipe .csv files are included in the ~data~ directory.
- Bobingabout's mods:
- Angel's mods:
* Lua scripts
The .csv files used as input are generated in Factorio, by loading a new game with only ~base~ and your chosen mod enabled, and running one of the following Lua scripts from the console:
** Export all recipes and ingredients that match whitelist
#+name: Lua code generating a .csv file containing all recipes using the items in the whitelist.
#+begin_src lua :tangle no
@ -39,7 +89,9 @@ end
game.write_file("recipes.csv", table.concat(parts, "\n"), false)
On the other hand, this script outputs ALL available recipes in an org-readable format, for easy overview, sorting, and insight.
** Export all recipes (including products and ingredients)into an org-mode file, categorized by theis recipe subgroup.
This script outputs ALL available recipes in an org-readable format, for easy overview, sorting, and insight.
Note the entire tree is included for each recipe.
#+name: lua-to-org: Lua script generating an org-mode file containing all available recipes.
#+begin_src lua :tangle no
@ -74,50 +126,18 @@ The output of this is an org-mode file in the following pattern:
- ingredient2
- ...
* On the script
This is a literate script. The source code is embedded in these code blocks, and tangled into the script using org-babel. This allows me to write a description of what I want to do, and comment on it without resorting to ~// /* */~ ugly comments.
Better yet, I can include [[Lua code generating a .csv file containing all recipes using the items in the whitelist.][links directly to places within the file]] and easily cross-reference what I'm doing with the documentation/ design.
If you open this org file raw (e.g. by clicking [[][here]]), you will see that there are a number of different blocks.
There is a rough overview of the structure:
,#+name: Name of the following source block.
,#+begin_src lang :tangle
[code goes here]
~:tangle~ defines the file into which the code block will be passed to ~org-babel-tangle~. To disable, pass ~no~.
In the begging of the file, we can set global (in the scope of the file) properties, such as the default target for ~:tangle~:
~#+PROPERTY: header-args :tangle
The easiest way to generate outputs from here is to open this file in Emacs, and run ~M-x org-babel-tangle~. If you're using [[][Doom Emacs]], the default key binding is ~C-c C-v C-t~.
*Important note:* the files in ~./mod-recipes~ are working files. They're not intrinsic parts of the software - they're there primarily for testing and development.
* License
I don't own the source csv files generated by Factorio, nor the mods the script is pulling from. This script itself is GPLv3, with the exception of third-party libraries licensed otherwise.
** TODO: include GPLv3 in the repo
** Credits:
The following are mods from which .csv files have been generated. The recipe .csv files are included in the ~mod-recipes~ directory.
* The Code1
* Approach 1: passing through org-mode.
** Idea:
Create an org-mode file with all the calculations included, and complete, for a clear overview of recipe progression, subgroups, item inputs and outputs, and total cost.
** Setup
** Open csv file
** Open (create if needed) output csv
pseudocode is in Lisp./
For this, we'll likely want to include some metadata, like creation date, mod name, number of ingredients, maybe the total amount of raw mats needed to make one of everything?
** Make a list of products
That's the first column in the .csv file.
Read first column of the csv file and insert it into the .org (output) file.
@ -171,12 +191,12 @@ For each line:
1. Add new number we just got to the existing number.
3. Else: write new raw ingredient line and number in this section.
* The Code 2
* Approach 2: working directly in the csv files
** Idea/ outline
This is not for analysis as much as helping Galdoc out with creating compat layers for [[][Galdoc's Manufacturing.]]
Take above csv data dump from Factorio, then:
1. Figure out appropriate categories. This is the starting point we have:
1. Figure out appropriate categories. This is the starting point:
- Telescoping, (inserters, belts, things that reach)
- Metalworking,
- Plastic,
@ -193,7 +213,7 @@ Take above csv data dump from Factorio, then:
This has to be done manually. The csv file already includes an empty first column, which lets us manually go over it and add the tags to each item.
2. Then pull the output template CSV file, which should have the following structure:
#+name: Example csv template for code-2
#+name: Example csv template
#+begin_src csv :tangle no
item-category, item-name, amt1, catitem1, amt2, catitem2, amt3, catitem3, amt4, catitem4, ...
@ -212,7 +232,7 @@ This structure allows for unambiguous selection of the relevant data from the cs
2. These cannot be confused with the amounts themselves, because the column names include [a-zA-Z] characters.
3. The first column makes it easy to find whether an item belongs to a particular column or not.
4. Additionally, this way we can automate creating the output .csv template, since we can check what number of columns we need for each ingredient category.
** Testing process 1:
** Testing 1:
*** Get csv from Factorio
This needs to be run manually rn, will figure out an automatic way later? Maybe?
@ -270,38 +290,34 @@ prod1>amt1+prod2>amt2,, recipe.subgroup, ingr1<amt1+ingr2<amt2...
*** Move csv to the right directory
/Note:/ If you have this open in Emacs, move your cursor into the code block and hit ~C-c C-c~ to execute the code. It's very handy if you have commands that you use often.
#+name: move the output from the above command to the mod-recipes directory for easy access.
#+name: move the output from the above command to the data directory for easy access.
#+begin_src sh :results none
mv ~/.factorio/script-output/products-all.csv ./mod-recipes
mv ~/.factorio/script-output/products-all.csv ./data
*** Sort for easier human readability
**** Sort the csv file by recipe subgroups
This allows us to find groups of related processes easier.
#+begin_src sh :results none
cat ./mod-recipes/recipes-all.csv | sort -k3 -t, | column --table -s, -o, > ./mod-recipes/recipes-all-sorted-subgroups.csv
cat ./data/recipes-all.csv | sort -k3 -t, | column --table -s, -o, > ./data/recipes-all-sorted-subgroups.csv
**** Sort the csv file by product name
This allows us to find similarly named items easier
#+begin_src sh :results none
cat ./mod-recipes/products-all.csv | sort -k2 -t, | column --table -s, -o, > ./mod-recipes/recipes-all-sorted-product.csv
cat ./data/products-all.csv | sort -k2 -t, | column --table -s, -o, > ./data/recipes-all-sorted-product.csv
cp ./data/recipes-all-sorted-product.csv ./data/intermediate.csv
This is the file we'll be using for further testing, because it groups up a lot of items by material, which is what we want.
For this reason, let's make ourselves a working copy;
#+begin_src sh :results none
cp ./mod-recipes/recipes-all-sorted-product.csv ./mod-recipes/intermediate.csv
~intermediate.csv~ is the file we'll be using for further testing, because it groups up a lot of items by material, which is what we want.
From here on, all changes will take place on the basis of the ~intermediate.csv~ file, and outputs will be directed to ~output.csv~. This will prevent time loss in case of a mistyped command.
*** Parse the intermetiate.csv file, filling it out recursively
#+begin_src perl :tangle
open(my $in, "<", "./mod-recipes/intermediate.csv") or die "Can't open intermediates.csv";
open(my $out, ">", "./mod-recipes/raw.csv") or die "Can't open raw.csv";
#+begin_src perl :tangle no
open(my $in, "<", "./data/intermediate.csv") or die "Can't open intermediates.csv";
open(my $out, ">", "./data/raw.csv") or die "Can't open raw.csv";
local $| = 1;
@ -347,7 +363,7 @@ For this reason, it is important that we first cover the base materials.
**** Temp code:
#+begin_src perl :tangle
#+begin_src perl :tangle no
our @patterns = (
@ -390,8 +406,8 @@ our @patterns = (
open(my $in, "<", "./mod-recipes/intermediate.csv") or die "Can't open intermediates.csv";
open(my $out, ">", "./mod-recipes/output.csv") or die "Can't open output.csv";
open(my $in, "<", "./data/intermediate.csv") or die "Can't open intermediates.csv";
open(my $out, ">", "./data/output.csv") or die "Can't open output.csv";
while (<$in>) {
@ -428,11 +444,15 @@ close $out or die "$out: $!";
* New Idea (parsing lua files directly):
* New Idea to be given thought's_data
- It may be possible to access lua directly and pull data from there.
- It may be more effective and accurate than pulling data from an exported CSV.
- Even if not, it is possible to run Factorio with the ~--data-dump~ argument, which makes it output all the data the game has into a json file.
- This is actually really convenient, because doing calculations on json files is rather.
- It may be more effective, faster and accurate than pulling data from an exported CSV.
- Further investigation needed.
- *The key problem:* it would be very challenging for a human/ person to make modifications to this export as-is. It's then necessary to create another layer of processing to make the output human-readable.
- ON the other hand, we don't yet have a system for importing recipes, items, and tech levels from a csv into Factorio mods...
@ -451,3 +471,61 @@'s_data
2. The script would have to dynamically generate a lot of lua code, or at least wrap the contents of the CSV in lua code. This may create licensing issues? Maybe?
3. The item descriptions could be generated (partially) automatically, but they would still require someone to write large parts of them.
4. Localization; it may be possible to also do with the script (eg hooking into google translate, deepl or sth), at least for the item names.
** Elaboration:
The way I see this working is:
1. Parse mod lua files externally, independent from Factorio.
2. This creates a csv file including *everything* in a format that is both human-readable, *and* reversible back into Lua code.
* Approach 3: pulling from Factorio data dump json
** Get files into working area
- Get data dump from Factorio
- Copy data dump over to our working directory.
#+begin_src sh :tangle no :results none
factorio --data-dump
cp ~/.factorio/script-output/data-raw-dump.json ./data/
** Testing: Perl script parsing JSON into
*** Init:
#+begin_src perl :tangle
use utf8;
use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON;
use Data::Dumper;
my $in;
open(my $file, "<", "./data/data-raw-dump.json") or die "Can't open data-raw-dump.json";
local $/;
$in = <$file>;
close $file;
my $data = decode_json($in);
# my $data = @($data_raw->(data)(children));
print Dumper($data);
my @list = ($data);
print "$data";
# foreach my $values (@list){
# foreach my $value (@$values) {
# print "Value =\t\tValue:\t" "$value->{?}->{'subgroup'}" "\n";
# }
# }
# open(my $out, ">", "./data/out-json-test.json") or die "Can't open out-json-test.json";
# close $out or die "$out: $!";
*** Run the script:
#+begin_src sh

data/data-raw-dump.json Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

33 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
use utf8;
use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON;
use Data::Dumper;
my $in;
open(my $file, "<", "./data/data-raw-dump.json") or die "Can't open data-raw-dump.json";
local $/;
$in = <$file>;
close $file;
my $data = decode_json($in);
# my $data = @($data_raw->(data)(children));
print Dumper($data);
my @list = ($data);
print "$data";
# foreach my $values (@list){
# foreach my $value (@$values) {
# print "Value =\t\tValue:\t" "$value->{?}->{'subgroup'}" "\n";
# }
# }
# open(my $out, ">", "./data/out-json-test.json") or die "Can't open out-json-test.json";
# close $out or die "$out: $!";

View file

@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
our @patterns = (
# 0 metal
# 1 wood
# 2 plastic
# 3 electronics
# 4 glass
# 5 stone
open(my $in, "<", "./mod-recipes/intermediate.csv") or die "Can't open intermediates.csv";
open(my $out, ">", "./mod-recipes/output.csv") or die "Can't open output.csv";
while (<$in>) {
my @line = split(",", $_);
if ($line[1] =~ "$patterns[0]") {
print $out "metal @line";
print "$patterns[0]";
print "metal @line";
elsif ($line[1] =~ "$patterns[1]") {
print $out "wood @line";
elsif ($line[1] =~ "$patterns[2]") {
print $out "plastic @line";
elsif ($line[1] =~ "$patterns[3]") {
print $out "electronics @line";
elsif ($line[1] =~ "$patterns[4]") {
print $out "glass @line";
elsif ($line[1] =~ "$patterns[5]") {
print $out "stone @line";
else {
print $out "@line";
print "@line";
close $in or die "$in: $!";
close $out or die "$out: $!";

View file

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
mv ~/.factorio/script-output/products-all.csv ./mod-recipes
cat ./mod-recipes/recipes-all.csv | sort -k3 -t, | column --table -s, -o, > ./mod-recipes/recipes-all-sorted-subgroups.csv
cat ./mod-recipes/products-all.csv | sort -k2 -t, | column --table -s, -o, > ./mod-recipes/recipes-all-sorted-product.csv
cp ./mod-recipes/recipes-all-sorted-product.csv ./mod-recipes/intermediate.csv

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
,accumulator ,angels-power-accumulator ,2 ,iron-plate ,10 ,battery ,2 ,electronic-circuit , , , ,
,artillery-turret ,angels-artillery-a ,60 ,concrete ,60 ,steel-plate ,40 ,iron-gear-wheel ,20 ,advanced-circuit , ,
,artillery-wagon ,angels-artillery ,40 ,invar-alloy ,64 ,engine-unit ,10 ,iron-gear-wheel ,20 ,advanced-circuit ,16,pipe
,assembling-machine-1 ,bob-assembly-machine ,9 ,iron-plate ,5 ,iron-gear-wheel ,3 ,basic-circuit-board , , , ,
,assembling-machine-2 ,bob-assembly-machine ,1 ,assembling-machine-1,2 ,steel-plate ,5 ,iron-gear-wheel ,3 ,electronic-circuit , ,
,assembling-machine-3 ,bob-assembly-machine ,1 ,assembling-machine-2,9 ,steel-plate ,5 ,steel-gear-wheel ,3 ,advanced-circuit , ,
,automation-science-pack ,science-pack ,1 ,copper-plate ,1 ,iron-gear-wheel , , , , , ,
,battery-equipment ,angels-personal-equipment-power-c ,10 ,steel-plate ,5 ,battery , , , , , ,
,beacon ,module-beacon ,10 ,copper-cable ,10 ,steel-plate ,20 ,electronic-circuit ,20 ,advanced-circuit ,1 ,crystal-splinter-harmonic
,belt-immunity-equipment ,angels-personal-equipment-power-d ,10 ,steel-plate ,5 ,advanced-circuit , , , , , ,
,big-electric-pole ,angels-big-power-poles ,5 ,copper-plate ,5 ,steel-plate ,8 ,iron-stick , , , ,
,boiler ,angels-power-steam-boiler ,1 ,stone-furnace ,4 ,pipe , , , , , ,
,burner-inserter ,bob-logistic-tier-0 ,1 ,iron-plate ,1 ,iron-gear-wheel , , , , , ,
,burner-mining-drill ,extraction-machine ,1 ,stone-furnace ,3 ,iron-plate ,3 ,iron-gear-wheel , , , ,
,cannon-shell ,angels-exploration-tank-a ,2 ,steel-plate ,2 ,plastic-bar ,1 ,explosives , , , ,
,car ,angels-vehicle-car ,20 ,iron-plate ,5 ,steel-plate ,8 ,engine-unit , , , ,
,cargo-wagon ,bob-cargo-wagon ,20 ,iron-plate ,20 ,steel-plate ,10 ,iron-gear-wheel , , , ,
,centrifuge ,production-machine ,100,concrete ,50 ,steel-plate ,100,iron-gear-wheel ,100,advanced-circuit , ,
,chemical-plant ,petrochem-buildings-chemical-plant ,5 ,steel-plate ,5 ,iron-gear-wheel ,5 ,electronic-circuit ,5 ,pipe , ,
,cluster-grenade ,angels-capsules-a ,5 ,steel-plate ,5 ,explosives ,7 ,grenade , , , ,
,combat-shotgun ,angels-physical-ba ,15 ,steel-plate ,5 ,wood ,1 ,shotgun , , , ,
,copper-cable ,angels-copper-casting ,1 ,copper-plate , , , , , , , ,
,discharge-defense-equipment ,angels-personal-equipment-combat-c ,20 ,steel-plate ,5 ,processing-unit ,10 ,laser-turret , , , ,
,electric-energy-interface ,other ,2 ,iron-plate ,5 ,electronic-circuit , , , , , ,
,electric-furnace ,smelting-machine ,10 ,stone-brick ,10 ,steel-plate ,5 ,advanced-circuit , , , ,
,electric-mining-drill ,extraction-machine ,10 ,iron-plate ,5 ,iron-gear-wheel ,3 ,basic-circuit-board , , , ,
,empty-barrel ,angels-fluid-control ,1 ,steel-plate , , , , , , , ,
,energy-shield-equipment ,angels-personal-equipment-combat-a ,10 ,steel-plate ,5 ,advanced-circuit , , , , , ,
,engine-unit ,angels-basic-intermediate ,1 ,steel-plate ,1 ,iron-gear-wheel ,2 ,pipe , , , ,
,exoskeleton-equipment ,angels-personal-equipment-combat-c ,20 ,steel-plate ,30 ,electric-engine-unit,10 ,advanced-circuit , , , ,
,explosive-cannon-shell ,angels-exploration-tank-a ,2 ,steel-plate ,2 ,plastic-bar ,2 ,explosives , , , ,
,firearm-magazine ,angels-physical-aa ,4 ,iron-plate , , , , , , , ,
,flamethrower-ammo ,angels-fire ,5 ,steel-plate ,50 ,liquid-fuel-oil ,50 ,liquid-naphtha , , , ,
,flamethrower ,angels-fire ,5 ,steel-plate ,5 ,iron-gear-wheel ,1 ,submachine-gun , , , ,
,flamethrower-turret ,angels-fire ,20 ,steel-plate ,5 ,engine-unit ,1 ,flamethrower ,10 ,pipe , ,
,fluid-wagon ,bob-fluid-wagon ,16 ,steel-plate ,1 ,storage-tank ,10 ,iron-gear-wheel ,8 ,pipe , ,
,flying-robot-frame ,angels-robot-a ,1 ,steel-plate ,1 ,electric-engine-unit,2 ,battery ,3 ,electronic-circuit , ,
,gate ,angels-exploration-walls ,2 ,steel-plate ,2 ,electronic-circuit ,1 ,stone-wall , , , ,
,grenade ,angels-capsules-a ,5 ,iron-plate ,10 ,coal , , , , , ,
,gun-turret ,angels-physical-aa ,5 ,copper-plate ,10 ,iron-plate ,1 ,submachine-gun , , , ,
,heat-pipe ,angels-power-nuclear-heat-pipe ,10 ,copper-plate ,5 ,steel-plate , , , , , ,
,heavy-armor ,angels-personal-equipment-armor ,100,copper-plate ,50 ,steel-plate , , , , , ,
,inserter ,bob-logistic-tier-1 ,1 ,iron-plate ,1 ,iron-gear-wheel ,1 ,basic-circuit-board , , , ,
,iron-chest ,angels-chests-small-a ,8 ,iron-plate , , , , , , , ,
,iron-gear-wheel ,bob-gears ,2 ,iron-plate , , , , , , , ,
,iron-stick ,angels-basic-intermediate ,1 ,iron-plate , , , , , , , ,
,lab ,production-machine ,10 ,iron-gear-wheel ,10 ,basic-circuit-board ,4 ,basic-transport-belt , , , ,
,land-mine ,angels-capsules-a ,1 ,steel-plate ,2 ,explosives , , , , , ,
,laser-turret ,angels-electric-a ,20 ,steel-plate ,12 ,battery ,20 ,electronic-circuit , , , ,
,light-armor ,angels-personal-equipment-armor ,40 ,iron-plate , , , , , , , ,
,loader ,belt ,5 ,iron-plate ,5 ,iron-gear-wheel ,5 ,electronic-circuit ,5 ,transport-belt ,5 ,inserter
,locomotive ,bob-locomotive ,30 ,steel-plate ,20 ,engine-unit ,10 ,electronic-circuit , , , ,
,medium-electric-pole ,angels-medium-power-poles ,2 ,copper-plate ,2 ,steel-plate ,4 ,iron-stick , , , ,
,modular-armor ,angels-personal-equipment-armor ,50 ,steel-plate ,30 ,advanced-circuit , , , , , ,
,night-vision-equipment ,angels-personal-equipment-power-d ,10 ,steel-plate ,5 ,advanced-circuit , , , , , ,
,nuclear-reactor ,angels-power-nuclear-reactor-b ,500,concrete ,250,steel-plate ,500,advanced-circuit ,25 ,heat-pipe-2 , ,
,offshore-pump ,washing-building ,1 ,iron-gear-wheel ,2 ,basic-circuit-board ,1 ,pipe , , , ,
,oil-refinery ,petrochem-buildings-oil-refinery ,6 ,steel-plate ,12 ,steel-gear-wheel ,4 ,electronic-circuit ,36 ,steel-pipe , ,
,personal-laser-defense-equipment,angels-personal-equipment-combat-b ,5 ,steel-plate ,3 ,battery ,5 ,electronic-circuit , , , ,
,personal-roboport-equipment ,angels-personal-equipment-robot-d ,5 ,steel-plate ,2 ,roboport-antenna-1 ,1 ,roboport-door-1 ,2 ,roboport-chargepad-1, ,
,piercing-rounds-magazine ,angels-physical-aa ,5 ,copper-plate ,1 ,steel-plate ,1 ,firearm-magazine , , , ,
,piercing-shotgun-shell ,angels-physical-ba ,5 ,copper-plate ,2 ,steel-plate ,2 ,shotgun-shell , , , ,
,pipe ,pipe ,1 ,iron-plate , , , , , , , ,
,pipe-to-ground ,pipe-to-ground ,5 ,iron-plate ,10 ,pipe , , , , , ,
,pistol ,angels-physical-aa ,5 ,copper-plate ,5 ,iron-plate , , , , , ,
,poison-capsule ,angels-capsules-a ,3 ,steel-plate ,10 ,coal ,3 ,electronic-circuit , , , ,
,power-armor ,angels-personal-equipment-armor ,40 ,steel-plate ,20 ,electric-engine-unit,40 ,processing-unit , , , ,
,power-switch ,circuit-network ,5 ,copper-cable ,5 ,iron-plate ,2 ,electronic-circuit , , , ,
,programmable-speaker ,circuit-network ,5 ,copper-cable ,3 ,iron-plate ,4 ,iron-stick ,4 ,electronic-circuit , ,
,pump ,angels-fluid-control ,1 ,steel-plate ,1 ,engine-unit ,1 ,copper-pipe , , , ,
,pumpjack ,extraction-machine ,5 ,steel-plate ,10 ,iron-gear-wheel ,5 ,electronic-circuit ,10 ,pipe , ,
,radar ,angels-artillery-a ,10 ,iron-plate ,5 ,iron-gear-wheel ,5 ,basic-circuit-board , , , ,
,rail-chain-signal ,train-transport ,5 ,iron-plate ,1 ,electronic-circuit , , , , , ,
,rail-signal ,train-transport ,5 ,iron-plate ,1 ,electronic-circuit , , , , , ,
,rail ,train-transport ,1 ,stone ,1 ,steel-plate ,1 ,iron-stick , , , ,
,refined-concrete ,angels-stone-casting ,20 ,concrete ,1 ,steel-plate ,8 ,iron-stick ,100,water , ,
,repair-pack ,angels-chests-small-a ,2 ,iron-gear-wheel ,2 ,basic-circuit-board , , , , , ,
,roboport ,angels-roboport-a ,15 ,steel-plate ,5 ,roboport-antenna-1 ,1 ,roboport-door-1 ,4 ,roboport-chargepad-1, ,
,rocket-launcher ,angels-explosion-a ,5 ,steel-plate ,5 ,electronic-circuit ,2 ,shotgun , , , ,
,shotgun ,angels-physical-ba ,5 ,iron-plate ,5 ,wood ,5 ,iron-gear-wheel ,2 ,pistol , ,
,shotgun-shell ,angels-physical-ba ,2 ,copper-plate ,2 ,iron-plate , , , , , ,
,slowdown-capsule ,angels-capsules-a ,2 ,steel-plate ,5 ,coal ,2 ,electronic-circuit , , , ,
,small-lamp ,circuit-network ,3 ,copper-cable ,1 ,iron-plate ,1 ,basic-circuit-board , , , ,
,solar-panel ,angels-power-solar-panel ,4 ,copper-plate ,4 ,steel-plate ,14 ,electronic-circuit , , , ,
,solar-panel-equipment ,angels-personal-equipment-power-a ,4 ,copper-cable ,2 ,steel-plate ,5 ,electronic-circuit , , , ,
,splitter ,bob-logistic-tier-1 ,8 ,tin-plate ,14 ,iron-gear-wheel ,5 ,basic-circuit-board ,1 ,basic-splitter , ,
,steam-engine ,angels-power-steam-generator ,10 ,iron-plate ,8 ,iron-gear-wheel ,5 ,pipe , , , ,
,steel-chest ,angels-chests-small-b ,8 ,steel-plate , , , , , , , ,
,steel-furnace ,smelting-machine ,10 ,stone-brick ,6 ,steel-plate , , , , , ,
,steel-plate ,angels-steel-casting ,2 ,iron-plate ,10 ,gas-oxygen , , , , , ,
,storage-tank ,angels-fluid-tanks ,20 ,iron-plate ,5 ,steel-plate ,1 ,bob-small-inline-storage-tank, , , ,
,submachine-gun ,angels-physical-aa ,5 ,iron-plate ,10 ,iron-gear-wheel ,1 ,pistol , , , ,
,substation ,angels-sub-power-poles ,5 ,copper-plate ,10 ,steel-plate ,5 ,advanced-circuit , , , ,
,sulfuric-acid ,angels-fluid-converter-petrochem-sulfer-fluids,1 ,iron-plate ,5 ,sulfur ,100,water-purified , , , ,
,tank ,angels-exploration-tank-a ,50 ,steel-plate ,32 ,engine-unit ,15 ,iron-gear-wheel ,10 ,advanced-circuit , ,
,train-stop ,train-transport ,6 ,iron-plate ,3 ,steel-plate ,6 ,iron-stick ,5 ,electronic-circuit , ,
,transport-belt ,bob-logistic-tier-1 ,2 ,tin-plate ,2 ,iron-gear-wheel ,1 ,basic-transport-belt , , , ,
,underground-belt ,bob-logistic-tier-1 ,14 ,tin-plate ,20 ,iron-gear-wheel ,2 ,basic-underground-belt , , , ,
,uranium-fuel-cell ,angels-power-nuclear-fuel-cell ,15 ,iron-plate ,1 ,uranium-235 ,29 ,uranium-238 , , , ,
1 accumulator angels-power-accumulator 2 iron-plate 10 battery 2 electronic-circuit
2 artillery-turret angels-artillery-a 60 concrete 60 steel-plate 40 iron-gear-wheel 20 advanced-circuit
3 artillery-wagon angels-artillery 40 invar-alloy 64 engine-unit 10 iron-gear-wheel 20 advanced-circuit 16 pipe
4 assembling-machine-1 bob-assembly-machine 9 iron-plate 5 iron-gear-wheel 3 basic-circuit-board
5 assembling-machine-2 bob-assembly-machine 1 assembling-machine-1 2 steel-plate 5 iron-gear-wheel 3 electronic-circuit
6 assembling-machine-3 bob-assembly-machine 1 assembling-machine-2 9 steel-plate 5 steel-gear-wheel 3 advanced-circuit
7 automation-science-pack science-pack 1 copper-plate 1 iron-gear-wheel
8 battery-equipment angels-personal-equipment-power-c 10 steel-plate 5 battery
9 beacon module-beacon 10 copper-cable 10 steel-plate 20 electronic-circuit 20 advanced-circuit 1 crystal-splinter-harmonic
10 belt-immunity-equipment angels-personal-equipment-power-d 10 steel-plate 5 advanced-circuit
11 big-electric-pole angels-big-power-poles 5 copper-plate 5 steel-plate 8 iron-stick
12 boiler angels-power-steam-boiler 1 stone-furnace 4 pipe
13 burner-inserter bob-logistic-tier-0 1 iron-plate 1 iron-gear-wheel
14 burner-mining-drill extraction-machine 1 stone-furnace 3 iron-plate 3 iron-gear-wheel
15 cannon-shell angels-exploration-tank-a 2 steel-plate 2 plastic-bar 1 explosives
16 car angels-vehicle-car 20 iron-plate 5 steel-plate 8 engine-unit
17 cargo-wagon bob-cargo-wagon 20 iron-plate 20 steel-plate 10 iron-gear-wheel
18 centrifuge production-machine 100 concrete 50 steel-plate 100 iron-gear-wheel 100 advanced-circuit
19 chemical-plant petrochem-buildings-chemical-plant 5 steel-plate 5 iron-gear-wheel 5 electronic-circuit 5 pipe
20 cluster-grenade angels-capsules-a 5 steel-plate 5 explosives 7 grenade
21 combat-shotgun angels-physical-ba 15 steel-plate 5 wood 1 shotgun
22 copper-cable angels-copper-casting 1 copper-plate
23 discharge-defense-equipment angels-personal-equipment-combat-c 20 steel-plate 5 processing-unit 10 laser-turret
24 electric-energy-interface other 2 iron-plate 5 electronic-circuit
25 electric-furnace smelting-machine 10 stone-brick 10 steel-plate 5 advanced-circuit
26 electric-mining-drill extraction-machine 10 iron-plate 5 iron-gear-wheel 3 basic-circuit-board
27 empty-barrel angels-fluid-control 1 steel-plate
28 energy-shield-equipment angels-personal-equipment-combat-a 10 steel-plate 5 advanced-circuit
29 engine-unit angels-basic-intermediate 1 steel-plate 1 iron-gear-wheel 2 pipe
30 exoskeleton-equipment angels-personal-equipment-combat-c 20 steel-plate 30 electric-engine-unit 10 advanced-circuit
31 explosive-cannon-shell angels-exploration-tank-a 2 steel-plate 2 plastic-bar 2 explosives
32 firearm-magazine angels-physical-aa 4 iron-plate
33 flamethrower-ammo angels-fire 5 steel-plate 50 liquid-fuel-oil 50 liquid-naphtha
34 flamethrower angels-fire 5 steel-plate 5 iron-gear-wheel 1 submachine-gun
35 flamethrower-turret angels-fire 20 steel-plate 5 engine-unit 1 flamethrower 10 pipe
36 fluid-wagon bob-fluid-wagon 16 steel-plate 1 storage-tank 10 iron-gear-wheel 8 pipe
37 flying-robot-frame angels-robot-a 1 steel-plate 1 electric-engine-unit 2 battery 3 electronic-circuit
38 gate angels-exploration-walls 2 steel-plate 2 electronic-circuit 1 stone-wall
39 grenade angels-capsules-a 5 iron-plate 10 coal
40 gun-turret angels-physical-aa 5 copper-plate 10 iron-plate 1 submachine-gun
41 heat-pipe angels-power-nuclear-heat-pipe 10 copper-plate 5 steel-plate
42 heavy-armor angels-personal-equipment-armor 100 copper-plate 50 steel-plate
43 inserter bob-logistic-tier-1 1 iron-plate 1 iron-gear-wheel 1 basic-circuit-board
44 iron-chest angels-chests-small-a 8 iron-plate
45 iron-gear-wheel bob-gears 2 iron-plate
46 iron-stick angels-basic-intermediate 1 iron-plate
47 lab production-machine 10 iron-gear-wheel 10 basic-circuit-board 4 basic-transport-belt
48 land-mine angels-capsules-a 1 steel-plate 2 explosives
49 laser-turret angels-electric-a 20 steel-plate 12 battery 20 electronic-circuit
50 light-armor angels-personal-equipment-armor 40 iron-plate
51 loader belt 5 iron-plate 5 iron-gear-wheel 5 electronic-circuit 5 transport-belt 5 inserter
52 locomotive bob-locomotive 30 steel-plate 20 engine-unit 10 electronic-circuit
53 medium-electric-pole angels-medium-power-poles 2 copper-plate 2 steel-plate 4 iron-stick
54 modular-armor angels-personal-equipment-armor 50 steel-plate 30 advanced-circuit
55 night-vision-equipment angels-personal-equipment-power-d 10 steel-plate 5 advanced-circuit
56 nuclear-reactor angels-power-nuclear-reactor-b 500 concrete 250 steel-plate 500 advanced-circuit 25 heat-pipe-2
57 offshore-pump washing-building 1 iron-gear-wheel 2 basic-circuit-board 1 pipe
58 oil-refinery petrochem-buildings-oil-refinery 6 steel-plate 12 steel-gear-wheel 4 electronic-circuit 36 steel-pipe
59 personal-laser-defense-equipment angels-personal-equipment-combat-b 5 steel-plate 3 battery 5 electronic-circuit
60 personal-roboport-equipment angels-personal-equipment-robot-d 5 steel-plate 2 roboport-antenna-1 1 roboport-door-1 2 roboport-chargepad-1
61 piercing-rounds-magazine angels-physical-aa 5 copper-plate 1 steel-plate 1 firearm-magazine
62 piercing-shotgun-shell angels-physical-ba 5 copper-plate 2 steel-plate 2 shotgun-shell
63 pipe pipe 1 iron-plate
64 pipe-to-ground pipe-to-ground 5 iron-plate 10 pipe
65 pistol angels-physical-aa 5 copper-plate 5 iron-plate
66 poison-capsule angels-capsules-a 3 steel-plate 10 coal 3 electronic-circuit
67 power-armor angels-personal-equipment-armor 40 steel-plate 20 electric-engine-unit 40 processing-unit
68 power-switch circuit-network 5 copper-cable 5 iron-plate 2 electronic-circuit
69 programmable-speaker circuit-network 5 copper-cable 3 iron-plate 4 iron-stick 4 electronic-circuit
70 pump angels-fluid-control 1 steel-plate 1 engine-unit 1 copper-pipe
71 pumpjack extraction-machine 5 steel-plate 10 iron-gear-wheel 5 electronic-circuit 10 pipe
72 radar angels-artillery-a 10 iron-plate 5 iron-gear-wheel 5 basic-circuit-board
73 rail-chain-signal train-transport 5 iron-plate 1 electronic-circuit
74 rail-signal train-transport 5 iron-plate 1 electronic-circuit
75 rail train-transport 1 stone 1 steel-plate 1 iron-stick
76 refined-concrete angels-stone-casting 20 concrete 1 steel-plate 8 iron-stick 100 water
77 repair-pack angels-chests-small-a 2 iron-gear-wheel 2 basic-circuit-board
78 roboport angels-roboport-a 15 steel-plate 5 roboport-antenna-1 1 roboport-door-1 4 roboport-chargepad-1
79 rocket-launcher angels-explosion-a 5 steel-plate 5 electronic-circuit 2 shotgun
80 shotgun angels-physical-ba 5 iron-plate 5 wood 5 iron-gear-wheel 2 pistol
81 shotgun-shell angels-physical-ba 2 copper-plate 2 iron-plate
82 slowdown-capsule angels-capsules-a 2 steel-plate 5 coal 2 electronic-circuit
83 small-lamp circuit-network 3 copper-cable 1 iron-plate 1 basic-circuit-board
84 solar-panel angels-power-solar-panel 4 copper-plate 4 steel-plate 14 electronic-circuit
85 solar-panel-equipment angels-personal-equipment-power-a 4 copper-cable 2 steel-plate 5 electronic-circuit
86 splitter bob-logistic-tier-1 8 tin-plate 14 iron-gear-wheel 5 basic-circuit-board 1 basic-splitter
87 steam-engine angels-power-steam-generator 10 iron-plate 8 iron-gear-wheel 5 pipe
88 steel-chest angels-chests-small-b 8 steel-plate
89 steel-furnace smelting-machine 10 stone-brick 6 steel-plate
90 steel-plate angels-steel-casting 2 iron-plate 10 gas-oxygen
91 storage-tank angels-fluid-tanks 20 iron-plate 5 steel-plate 1 bob-small-inline-storage-tank
92 submachine-gun angels-physical-aa 5 iron-plate 10 iron-gear-wheel 1 pistol
93 substation angels-sub-power-poles 5 copper-plate 10 steel-plate 5 advanced-circuit
94 sulfuric-acid angels-fluid-converter-petrochem-sulfer-fluids 1 iron-plate 5 sulfur 100 water-purified
95 tank angels-exploration-tank-a 50 steel-plate 32 engine-unit 15 iron-gear-wheel 10 advanced-circuit
96 train-stop train-transport 6 iron-plate 3 steel-plate 6 iron-stick 5 electronic-circuit
97 transport-belt bob-logistic-tier-1 2 tin-plate 2 iron-gear-wheel 1 basic-transport-belt
98 underground-belt bob-logistic-tier-1 14 tin-plate 20 iron-gear-wheel 2 basic-underground-belt
99 uranium-fuel-cell angels-power-nuclear-fuel-cell 15 iron-plate 1 uranium-235 29 uranium-238

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@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
,artillery-wagon ,angels-artillery ,40 ,invar-alloy ,64 ,engine-unit ,10 ,iron-gear-wheel ,20 ,advanced-circuit ,16,pipe
,radar ,angels-artillery-a ,10 ,iron-plate ,5 ,iron-gear-wheel ,5 ,basic-circuit-board , , , ,
,artillery-turret ,angels-artillery-a ,60 ,concrete ,60 ,steel-plate ,40 ,iron-gear-wheel ,20 ,advanced-circuit , ,
,iron-stick ,angels-basic-intermediate ,1 ,iron-plate , , , , , , , ,
,engine-unit ,angels-basic-intermediate ,1 ,steel-plate ,1 ,iron-gear-wheel ,2 ,pipe , , , ,
,big-electric-pole ,angels-big-power-poles ,5 ,copper-plate ,5 ,steel-plate ,8 ,iron-stick , , , ,
,land-mine ,angels-capsules-a ,1 ,steel-plate ,2 ,explosives , , , , , ,
,slowdown-capsule ,angels-capsules-a ,2 ,steel-plate ,5 ,coal ,2 ,electronic-circuit , , , ,
,poison-capsule ,angels-capsules-a ,3 ,steel-plate ,10 ,coal ,3 ,electronic-circuit , , , ,
,grenade ,angels-capsules-a ,5 ,iron-plate ,10 ,coal , , , , , ,
,cluster-grenade ,angels-capsules-a ,5 ,steel-plate ,5 ,explosives ,7 ,grenade , , , ,
,repair-pack ,angels-chests-small-a ,2 ,iron-gear-wheel ,2 ,basic-circuit-board , , , , , ,
,iron-chest ,angels-chests-small-a ,8 ,iron-plate , , , , , , , ,
,steel-chest ,angels-chests-small-b ,8 ,steel-plate , , , , , , , ,
,copper-cable ,angels-copper-casting ,1 ,copper-plate , , , , , , , ,
,laser-turret ,angels-electric-a ,20 ,steel-plate ,12 ,battery ,20 ,electronic-circuit , , , ,
,cannon-shell ,angels-exploration-tank-a ,2 ,steel-plate ,2 ,plastic-bar ,1 ,explosives , , , ,
,explosive-cannon-shell ,angels-exploration-tank-a ,2 ,steel-plate ,2 ,plastic-bar ,2 ,explosives , , , ,
,tank ,angels-exploration-tank-a ,50 ,steel-plate ,32 ,engine-unit ,15 ,iron-gear-wheel ,10 ,advanced-circuit , ,
,gate ,angels-exploration-walls ,2 ,steel-plate ,2 ,electronic-circuit ,1 ,stone-wall , , , ,
,rocket-launcher ,angels-explosion-a ,5 ,steel-plate ,5 ,electronic-circuit ,2 ,shotgun , , , ,
,flamethrower-turret ,angels-fire ,20 ,steel-plate ,5 ,engine-unit ,1 ,flamethrower ,10 ,pipe , ,
,flamethrower-ammo ,angels-fire ,5 ,steel-plate ,50 ,liquid-fuel-oil ,50 ,liquid-naphtha , , , ,
,flamethrower ,angels-fire ,5 ,steel-plate ,5 ,iron-gear-wheel ,1 ,submachine-gun , , , ,
,empty-barrel ,angels-fluid-control ,1 ,steel-plate , , , , , , , ,
,pump ,angels-fluid-control ,1 ,steel-plate ,1 ,engine-unit ,1 ,copper-pipe , , , ,
,sulfuric-acid ,angels-fluid-converter-petrochem-sulfer-fluids,1 ,iron-plate ,5 ,sulfur ,100,water-purified , , , ,
,storage-tank ,angels-fluid-tanks ,20 ,iron-plate ,5 ,steel-plate ,1 ,bob-small-inline-storage-tank, , , ,
,medium-electric-pole ,angels-medium-power-poles ,2 ,copper-plate ,2 ,steel-plate ,4 ,iron-stick , , , ,
,heavy-armor ,angels-personal-equipment-armor ,100,copper-plate ,50 ,steel-plate , , , , , ,
,light-armor ,angels-personal-equipment-armor ,40 ,iron-plate , , , , , , , ,
,power-armor ,angels-personal-equipment-armor ,40 ,steel-plate ,20 ,electric-engine-unit,40 ,processing-unit , , , ,
,modular-armor ,angels-personal-equipment-armor ,50 ,steel-plate ,30 ,advanced-circuit , , , , , ,
,energy-shield-equipment ,angels-personal-equipment-combat-a ,10 ,steel-plate ,5 ,advanced-circuit , , , , , ,
,personal-laser-defense-equipment,angels-personal-equipment-combat-b ,5 ,steel-plate ,3 ,battery ,5 ,electronic-circuit , , , ,
,exoskeleton-equipment ,angels-personal-equipment-combat-c ,20 ,steel-plate ,30 ,electric-engine-unit,10 ,advanced-circuit , , , ,
,discharge-defense-equipment ,angels-personal-equipment-combat-c ,20 ,steel-plate ,5 ,processing-unit ,10 ,laser-turret , , , ,
,solar-panel-equipment ,angels-personal-equipment-power-a ,4 ,copper-cable ,2 ,steel-plate ,5 ,electronic-circuit , , , ,
,battery-equipment ,angels-personal-equipment-power-c ,10 ,steel-plate ,5 ,battery , , , , , ,
,belt-immunity-equipment ,angels-personal-equipment-power-d ,10 ,steel-plate ,5 ,advanced-circuit , , , , , ,
,night-vision-equipment ,angels-personal-equipment-power-d ,10 ,steel-plate ,5 ,advanced-circuit , , , , , ,
,personal-roboport-equipment ,angels-personal-equipment-robot-d ,5 ,steel-plate ,2 ,roboport-antenna-1 ,1 ,roboport-door-1 ,2 ,roboport-chargepad-1, ,
,firearm-magazine ,angels-physical-aa ,4 ,iron-plate , , , , , , , ,
,gun-turret ,angels-physical-aa ,5 ,copper-plate ,10 ,iron-plate ,1 ,submachine-gun , , , ,
,piercing-rounds-magazine ,angels-physical-aa ,5 ,copper-plate ,1 ,steel-plate ,1 ,firearm-magazine , , , ,
,pistol ,angels-physical-aa ,5 ,copper-plate ,5 ,iron-plate , , , , , ,
,submachine-gun ,angels-physical-aa ,5 ,iron-plate ,10 ,iron-gear-wheel ,1 ,pistol , , , ,
,combat-shotgun ,angels-physical-ba ,15 ,steel-plate ,5 ,wood ,1 ,shotgun , , , ,
,shotgun-shell ,angels-physical-ba ,2 ,copper-plate ,2 ,iron-plate , , , , , ,
,piercing-shotgun-shell ,angels-physical-ba ,5 ,copper-plate ,2 ,steel-plate ,2 ,shotgun-shell , , , ,
,shotgun ,angels-physical-ba ,5 ,iron-plate ,5 ,wood ,5 ,iron-gear-wheel ,2 ,pistol , ,
,accumulator ,angels-power-accumulator ,2 ,iron-plate ,10 ,battery ,2 ,electronic-circuit , , , ,
,uranium-fuel-cell ,angels-power-nuclear-fuel-cell ,15 ,iron-plate ,1 ,uranium-235 ,29 ,uranium-238 , , , ,
,heat-pipe ,angels-power-nuclear-heat-pipe ,10 ,copper-plate ,5 ,steel-plate , , , , , ,
,nuclear-reactor ,angels-power-nuclear-reactor-b ,500,concrete ,250,steel-plate ,500,advanced-circuit ,25 ,heat-pipe-2 , ,
,solar-panel ,angels-power-solar-panel ,4 ,copper-plate ,4 ,steel-plate ,14 ,electronic-circuit , , , ,
,boiler ,angels-power-steam-boiler ,1 ,stone-furnace ,4 ,pipe , , , , , ,
,steam-engine ,angels-power-steam-generator ,10 ,iron-plate ,8 ,iron-gear-wheel ,5 ,pipe , , , ,
,roboport ,angels-roboport-a ,15 ,steel-plate ,5 ,roboport-antenna-1 ,1 ,roboport-door-1 ,4 ,roboport-chargepad-1, ,
,flying-robot-frame ,angels-robot-a ,1 ,steel-plate ,1 ,electric-engine-unit,2 ,battery ,3 ,electronic-circuit , ,
,steel-plate ,angels-steel-casting ,2 ,iron-plate ,10 ,gas-oxygen , , , , , ,
,refined-concrete ,angels-stone-casting ,20 ,concrete ,1 ,steel-plate ,8 ,iron-stick ,100,water , ,
,substation ,angels-sub-power-poles ,5 ,copper-plate ,10 ,steel-plate ,5 ,advanced-circuit , , , ,
,car ,angels-vehicle-car ,20 ,iron-plate ,5 ,steel-plate ,8 ,engine-unit , , , ,
,loader ,belt ,5 ,iron-plate ,5 ,iron-gear-wheel ,5 ,electronic-circuit ,5 ,transport-belt ,5 ,inserter
,assembling-machine-2 ,bob-assembly-machine ,1 ,assembling-machine-1,2 ,steel-plate ,5 ,iron-gear-wheel ,3 ,electronic-circuit , ,
,assembling-machine-3 ,bob-assembly-machine ,1 ,assembling-machine-2,9 ,steel-plate ,5 ,steel-gear-wheel ,3 ,advanced-circuit , ,
,assembling-machine-1 ,bob-assembly-machine ,9 ,iron-plate ,5 ,iron-gear-wheel ,3 ,basic-circuit-board , , , ,
,cargo-wagon ,bob-cargo-wagon ,20 ,iron-plate ,20 ,steel-plate ,10 ,iron-gear-wheel , , , ,
,fluid-wagon ,bob-fluid-wagon ,16 ,steel-plate ,1 ,storage-tank ,10 ,iron-gear-wheel ,8 ,pipe , ,
,iron-gear-wheel ,bob-gears ,2 ,iron-plate , , , , , , , ,
,locomotive ,bob-locomotive ,30 ,steel-plate ,20 ,engine-unit ,10 ,electronic-circuit , , , ,
,burner-inserter ,bob-logistic-tier-0 ,1 ,iron-plate ,1 ,iron-gear-wheel , , , , , ,
,underground-belt ,bob-logistic-tier-1 ,14 ,tin-plate ,20 ,iron-gear-wheel ,2 ,basic-underground-belt , , , ,
,inserter ,bob-logistic-tier-1 ,1 ,iron-plate ,1 ,iron-gear-wheel ,1 ,basic-circuit-board , , , ,
,transport-belt ,bob-logistic-tier-1 ,2 ,tin-plate ,2 ,iron-gear-wheel ,1 ,basic-transport-belt , , , ,
,splitter ,bob-logistic-tier-1 ,8 ,tin-plate ,14 ,iron-gear-wheel ,5 ,basic-circuit-board ,1 ,basic-splitter , ,
,small-lamp ,circuit-network ,3 ,copper-cable ,1 ,iron-plate ,1 ,basic-circuit-board , , , ,
,programmable-speaker ,circuit-network ,5 ,copper-cable ,3 ,iron-plate ,4 ,iron-stick ,4 ,electronic-circuit , ,
,power-switch ,circuit-network ,5 ,copper-cable ,5 ,iron-plate ,2 ,electronic-circuit , , , ,
,electric-mining-drill ,extraction-machine ,10 ,iron-plate ,5 ,iron-gear-wheel ,3 ,basic-circuit-board , , , ,
,burner-mining-drill ,extraction-machine ,1 ,stone-furnace ,3 ,iron-plate ,3 ,iron-gear-wheel , , , ,
,pumpjack ,extraction-machine ,5 ,steel-plate ,10 ,iron-gear-wheel ,5 ,electronic-circuit ,10 ,pipe , ,
,beacon ,module-beacon ,10 ,copper-cable ,10 ,steel-plate ,20 ,electronic-circuit ,20 ,advanced-circuit ,1 ,crystal-splinter-harmonic
,electric-energy-interface ,other ,2 ,iron-plate ,5 ,electronic-circuit , , , , , ,
,chemical-plant ,petrochem-buildings-chemical-plant ,5 ,steel-plate ,5 ,iron-gear-wheel ,5 ,electronic-circuit ,5 ,pipe , ,
,oil-refinery ,petrochem-buildings-oil-refinery ,6 ,steel-plate ,12 ,steel-gear-wheel ,4 ,electronic-circuit ,36 ,steel-pipe , ,
,pipe ,pipe ,1 ,iron-plate , , , , , , , ,
,pipe-to-ground ,pipe-to-ground ,5 ,iron-plate ,10 ,pipe , , , , , ,
,centrifuge ,production-machine ,100,concrete ,50 ,steel-plate ,100,iron-gear-wheel ,100,advanced-circuit , ,
,lab ,production-machine ,10 ,iron-gear-wheel ,10 ,basic-circuit-board ,4 ,basic-transport-belt , , , ,
,automation-science-pack ,science-pack ,1 ,copper-plate ,1 ,iron-gear-wheel , , , , , ,
,electric-furnace ,smelting-machine ,10 ,stone-brick ,10 ,steel-plate ,5 ,advanced-circuit , , , ,
,steel-furnace ,smelting-machine ,10 ,stone-brick ,6 ,steel-plate , , , , , ,
,rail ,train-transport ,1 ,stone ,1 ,steel-plate ,1 ,iron-stick , , , ,
,rail-chain-signal ,train-transport ,5 ,iron-plate ,1 ,electronic-circuit , , , , , ,
,rail-signal ,train-transport ,5 ,iron-plate ,1 ,electronic-circuit , , , , , ,
,train-stop ,train-transport ,6 ,iron-plate ,3 ,steel-plate ,6 ,iron-stick ,5 ,electronic-circuit , ,
,offshore-pump ,washing-building ,1 ,iron-gear-wheel ,2 ,basic-circuit-board ,1 ,pipe , , , ,
1 artillery-wagon angels-artillery 40 invar-alloy 64 engine-unit 10 iron-gear-wheel 20 advanced-circuit 16 pipe
2 radar angels-artillery-a 10 iron-plate 5 iron-gear-wheel 5 basic-circuit-board
3 artillery-turret angels-artillery-a 60 concrete 60 steel-plate 40 iron-gear-wheel 20 advanced-circuit
4 iron-stick angels-basic-intermediate 1 iron-plate
5 engine-unit angels-basic-intermediate 1 steel-plate 1 iron-gear-wheel 2 pipe
6 big-electric-pole angels-big-power-poles 5 copper-plate 5 steel-plate 8 iron-stick
7 land-mine angels-capsules-a 1 steel-plate 2 explosives
8 slowdown-capsule angels-capsules-a 2 steel-plate 5 coal 2 electronic-circuit
9 poison-capsule angels-capsules-a 3 steel-plate 10 coal 3 electronic-circuit
10 grenade angels-capsules-a 5 iron-plate 10 coal
11 cluster-grenade angels-capsules-a 5 steel-plate 5 explosives 7 grenade
12 repair-pack angels-chests-small-a 2 iron-gear-wheel 2 basic-circuit-board
13 iron-chest angels-chests-small-a 8 iron-plate
14 steel-chest angels-chests-small-b 8 steel-plate
15 copper-cable angels-copper-casting 1 copper-plate
16 laser-turret angels-electric-a 20 steel-plate 12 battery 20 electronic-circuit
17 cannon-shell angels-exploration-tank-a 2 steel-plate 2 plastic-bar 1 explosives
18 explosive-cannon-shell angels-exploration-tank-a 2 steel-plate 2 plastic-bar 2 explosives
19 tank angels-exploration-tank-a 50 steel-plate 32 engine-unit 15 iron-gear-wheel 10 advanced-circuit
20 gate angels-exploration-walls 2 steel-plate 2 electronic-circuit 1 stone-wall
21 rocket-launcher angels-explosion-a 5 steel-plate 5 electronic-circuit 2 shotgun
22 flamethrower-turret angels-fire 20 steel-plate 5 engine-unit 1 flamethrower 10 pipe
23 flamethrower-ammo angels-fire 5 steel-plate 50 liquid-fuel-oil 50 liquid-naphtha
24 flamethrower angels-fire 5 steel-plate 5 iron-gear-wheel 1 submachine-gun
25 empty-barrel angels-fluid-control 1 steel-plate
26 pump angels-fluid-control 1 steel-plate 1 engine-unit 1 copper-pipe
27 sulfuric-acid angels-fluid-converter-petrochem-sulfer-fluids 1 iron-plate 5 sulfur 100 water-purified
28 storage-tank angels-fluid-tanks 20 iron-plate 5 steel-plate 1 bob-small-inline-storage-tank
29 medium-electric-pole angels-medium-power-poles 2 copper-plate 2 steel-plate 4 iron-stick
30 heavy-armor angels-personal-equipment-armor 100 copper-plate 50 steel-plate
31 light-armor angels-personal-equipment-armor 40 iron-plate
32 power-armor angels-personal-equipment-armor 40 steel-plate 20 electric-engine-unit 40 processing-unit
33 modular-armor angels-personal-equipment-armor 50 steel-plate 30 advanced-circuit
34 energy-shield-equipment angels-personal-equipment-combat-a 10 steel-plate 5 advanced-circuit
35 personal-laser-defense-equipment angels-personal-equipment-combat-b 5 steel-plate 3 battery 5 electronic-circuit
36 exoskeleton-equipment angels-personal-equipment-combat-c 20 steel-plate 30 electric-engine-unit 10 advanced-circuit
37 discharge-defense-equipment angels-personal-equipment-combat-c 20 steel-plate 5 processing-unit 10 laser-turret
38 solar-panel-equipment angels-personal-equipment-power-a 4 copper-cable 2 steel-plate 5 electronic-circuit
39 battery-equipment angels-personal-equipment-power-c 10 steel-plate 5 battery
40 belt-immunity-equipment angels-personal-equipment-power-d 10 steel-plate 5 advanced-circuit
41 night-vision-equipment angels-personal-equipment-power-d 10 steel-plate 5 advanced-circuit
42 personal-roboport-equipment angels-personal-equipment-robot-d 5 steel-plate 2 roboport-antenna-1 1 roboport-door-1 2 roboport-chargepad-1
43 firearm-magazine angels-physical-aa 4 iron-plate
44 gun-turret angels-physical-aa 5 copper-plate 10 iron-plate 1 submachine-gun
45 piercing-rounds-magazine angels-physical-aa 5 copper-plate 1 steel-plate 1 firearm-magazine
46 pistol angels-physical-aa 5 copper-plate 5 iron-plate
47 submachine-gun angels-physical-aa 5 iron-plate 10 iron-gear-wheel 1 pistol
48 combat-shotgun angels-physical-ba 15 steel-plate 5 wood 1 shotgun
49 shotgun-shell angels-physical-ba 2 copper-plate 2 iron-plate
50 piercing-shotgun-shell angels-physical-ba 5 copper-plate 2 steel-plate 2 shotgun-shell
51 shotgun angels-physical-ba 5 iron-plate 5 wood 5 iron-gear-wheel 2 pistol
52 accumulator angels-power-accumulator 2 iron-plate 10 battery 2 electronic-circuit
53 uranium-fuel-cell angels-power-nuclear-fuel-cell 15 iron-plate 1 uranium-235 29 uranium-238
54 heat-pipe angels-power-nuclear-heat-pipe 10 copper-plate 5 steel-plate
55 nuclear-reactor angels-power-nuclear-reactor-b 500 concrete 250 steel-plate 500 advanced-circuit 25 heat-pipe-2
56 solar-panel angels-power-solar-panel 4 copper-plate 4 steel-plate 14 electronic-circuit
57 boiler angels-power-steam-boiler 1 stone-furnace 4 pipe
58 steam-engine angels-power-steam-generator 10 iron-plate 8 iron-gear-wheel 5 pipe
59 roboport angels-roboport-a 15 steel-plate 5 roboport-antenna-1 1 roboport-door-1 4 roboport-chargepad-1
60 flying-robot-frame angels-robot-a 1 steel-plate 1 electric-engine-unit 2 battery 3 electronic-circuit
61 steel-plate angels-steel-casting 2 iron-plate 10 gas-oxygen
62 refined-concrete angels-stone-casting 20 concrete 1 steel-plate 8 iron-stick 100 water
63 substation angels-sub-power-poles 5 copper-plate 10 steel-plate 5 advanced-circuit
64 car angels-vehicle-car 20 iron-plate 5 steel-plate 8 engine-unit
65 loader belt 5 iron-plate 5 iron-gear-wheel 5 electronic-circuit 5 transport-belt 5 inserter
66 assembling-machine-2 bob-assembly-machine 1 assembling-machine-1 2 steel-plate 5 iron-gear-wheel 3 electronic-circuit
67 assembling-machine-3 bob-assembly-machine 1 assembling-machine-2 9 steel-plate 5 steel-gear-wheel 3 advanced-circuit
68 assembling-machine-1 bob-assembly-machine 9 iron-plate 5 iron-gear-wheel 3 basic-circuit-board
69 cargo-wagon bob-cargo-wagon 20 iron-plate 20 steel-plate 10 iron-gear-wheel
70 fluid-wagon bob-fluid-wagon 16 steel-plate 1 storage-tank 10 iron-gear-wheel 8 pipe
71 iron-gear-wheel bob-gears 2 iron-plate
72 locomotive bob-locomotive 30 steel-plate 20 engine-unit 10 electronic-circuit
73 burner-inserter bob-logistic-tier-0 1 iron-plate 1 iron-gear-wheel
74 underground-belt bob-logistic-tier-1 14 tin-plate 20 iron-gear-wheel 2 basic-underground-belt
75 inserter bob-logistic-tier-1 1 iron-plate 1 iron-gear-wheel 1 basic-circuit-board
76 transport-belt bob-logistic-tier-1 2 tin-plate 2 iron-gear-wheel 1 basic-transport-belt
77 splitter bob-logistic-tier-1 8 tin-plate 14 iron-gear-wheel 5 basic-circuit-board 1 basic-splitter
78 small-lamp circuit-network 3 copper-cable 1 iron-plate 1 basic-circuit-board
79 programmable-speaker circuit-network 5 copper-cable 3 iron-plate 4 iron-stick 4 electronic-circuit
80 power-switch circuit-network 5 copper-cable 5 iron-plate 2 electronic-circuit
81 electric-mining-drill extraction-machine 10 iron-plate 5 iron-gear-wheel 3 basic-circuit-board
82 burner-mining-drill extraction-machine 1 stone-furnace 3 iron-plate 3 iron-gear-wheel
83 pumpjack extraction-machine 5 steel-plate 10 iron-gear-wheel 5 electronic-circuit 10 pipe
84 beacon module-beacon 10 copper-cable 10 steel-plate 20 electronic-circuit 20 advanced-circuit 1 crystal-splinter-harmonic
85 electric-energy-interface other 2 iron-plate 5 electronic-circuit
86 chemical-plant petrochem-buildings-chemical-plant 5 steel-plate 5 iron-gear-wheel 5 electronic-circuit 5 pipe
87 oil-refinery petrochem-buildings-oil-refinery 6 steel-plate 12 steel-gear-wheel 4 electronic-circuit 36 steel-pipe
88 pipe pipe 1 iron-plate
89 pipe-to-ground pipe-to-ground 5 iron-plate 10 pipe
90 centrifuge production-machine 100 concrete 50 steel-plate 100 iron-gear-wheel 100 advanced-circuit
91 lab production-machine 10 iron-gear-wheel 10 basic-circuit-board 4 basic-transport-belt
92 automation-science-pack science-pack 1 copper-plate 1 iron-gear-wheel
93 electric-furnace smelting-machine 10 stone-brick 10 steel-plate 5 advanced-circuit
94 steel-furnace smelting-machine 10 stone-brick 6 steel-plate
95 rail train-transport 1 stone 1 steel-plate 1 iron-stick
96 rail-chain-signal train-transport 5 iron-plate 1 electronic-circuit
97 rail-signal train-transport 5 iron-plate 1 electronic-circuit
98 train-stop train-transport 6 iron-plate 3 steel-plate 6 iron-stick 5 electronic-circuit
99 offshore-pump washing-building 1 iron-gear-wheel 2 basic-circuit-board 1 pipe

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1 ,artillery-wagon,angels-artillery,40,invar-alloy,64,engine-unit,10,iron-gear-wheel,20,advanced-circuit,16,pipe
2 ,battery-equipment,angels-personal-equipment-power-c,10,steel-plate,5,battery
3 ,big-electric-pole,angels-big-power-poles,5,copper-plate,5,steel-plate,8,iron-stick
4 ,energy-shield-equipment,angels-personal-equipment-combat-a,10,steel-plate,5,advanced-circuit
5 ,exoskeleton-equipment,angels-personal-equipment-combat-c,20,steel-plate,30,electric-engine-unit,10,advanced-circuit
6 ,heat-pipe,angels-power-nuclear-heat-pipe,10,copper-plate,5,steel-plate
7 ,medium-electric-pole,angels-medium-power-poles,2,copper-plate,2,steel-plate,4,iron-stick
8 ,night-vision-equipment,angels-personal-equipment-power-d,10,steel-plate,5,advanced-circuit
9 ,nuclear-reactor,angels-power-nuclear-reactor-b,500,concrete,250,steel-plate,500,advanced-circuit,25,heat-pipe-2
10 ,personal-laser-defense-equipment,angels-personal-equipment-combat-b,5,steel-plate,3,battery,5,electronic-circuit
11 ,personal-roboport-equipment,angels-personal-equipment-robot-d,5,steel-plate,2,roboport-antenna-1,1,roboport-door-1,2,roboport-chargepad-1
12 ,solar-panel-equipment,angels-personal-equipment-power-a,4,copper-cable,2,steel-plate,5,electronic-circuit
13 ,steam-engine,angels-power-steam-generator,10,iron-plate,8,iron-gear-wheel,5,pipe
14 ,steel-chest,angels-chests-small-b,8,steel-plate
15 ,substation,angels-sub-power-poles,5,copper-plate,10,steel-plate,5,advanced-circuit
16 ,light-armor,angels-personal-equipment-armor,40,iron-plate
17 ,heavy-armor,angels-personal-equipment-armor,100,copper-plate,50,steel-plate
18 ,assembling-machine-1,bob-assembly-machine,9,iron-plate,5,iron-gear-wheel,3,basic-circuit-board
19 ,automation-science-pack,science-pack,1,copper-plate,1,iron-gear-wheel
20 ,iron-stick,angels-basic-intermediate,1,iron-plate
21 ,beacon,module-beacon,10,copper-cable,10,steel-plate,20,electronic-circuit,20,advanced-circuit,1,crystal-splinter-harmonic
22 ,accumulator,angels-power-accumulator,2,iron-plate,10,battery,2,electronic-circuit
23 ,car,angels-vehicle-car,20,iron-plate,5,steel-plate,8,engine-unit
24 ,iron-chest,angels-chests-small-a,8,iron-plate
25 ,electric-energy-interface,other,2,iron-plate,5,electronic-circuit
26 ,flying-robot-frame,angels-robot-a,1,steel-plate,1,electric-engine-unit,2,battery,3,electronic-circuit
27 ,shotgun,angels-physical-ba,5,iron-plate,5,wood,5,iron-gear-wheel,2,pistol
28 ,flamethrower,angels-fire,5,steel-plate,5,iron-gear-wheel,1,submachine-gun
29 ,rocket-launcher,angels-explosion-a,5,steel-plate,5,electronic-circuit,2,shotgun
30 ,pistol,angels-physical-aa,5,copper-plate,5,iron-plate
31 ,combat-shotgun,angels-physical-ba,15,steel-plate,5,wood,1,shotgun
32 ,submachine-gun,angels-physical-aa,5,iron-plate,10,iron-gear-wheel,1,pistol
33 ,iron-gear-wheel,bob-gears,2,iron-plate
34 ,burner-mining-drill,extraction-machine,1,stone-furnace,3,iron-plate,3,iron-gear-wheel
35 ,electric-mining-drill,extraction-machine,10,iron-plate,5,iron-gear-wheel,3,basic-circuit-board
36 ,small-lamp,circuit-network,3,copper-cable,1,iron-plate,1,basic-circuit-board
37 ,land-mine,angels-capsules-a,1,steel-plate,2,explosives
38 ,pipe,pipe,1,iron-plate
39 ,pipe-to-ground,pipe-to-ground,5,iron-plate,10,pipe
40 ,chemical-plant,petrochem-buildings-chemical-plant,5,steel-plate,5,iron-gear-wheel,5,electronic-circuit,5,pipe
41 ,solar-panel,angels-power-solar-panel,4,copper-plate,4,steel-plate,14,electronic-circuit
42 ,tank,angels-exploration-tank-a,50,steel-plate,32,engine-unit,15,iron-gear-wheel,10,advanced-circuit
43 ,rail,train-transport,1,stone,1,steel-plate,1,iron-stick
44 ,train-stop,train-transport,6,iron-plate,3,steel-plate,6,iron-stick,5,electronic-circuit
45 ,rail-signal,train-transport,5,iron-plate,1,electronic-circuit
46 ,locomotive,bob-locomotive,30,steel-plate,20,engine-unit,10,electronic-circuit
47 ,rail-chain-signal,train-transport,5,iron-plate,1,electronic-circuit
48 ,cargo-wagon,bob-cargo-wagon,20,iron-plate,20,steel-plate,10,iron-gear-wheel
49 ,fluid-wagon,bob-fluid-wagon,16,steel-plate,1,storage-tank,10,iron-gear-wheel,8,pipe
50 ,transport-belt,bob-logistic-tier-1,2,tin-plate,2,iron-gear-wheel,1,basic-transport-belt
51 ,uranium-fuel-cell,angels-power-nuclear-fuel-cell,15,iron-plate,1,uranium-235,29,uranium-238
52 ,boiler,angels-power-steam-boiler,1,stone-furnace,4,pipe
53 ,modular-armor,angels-personal-equipment-armor,50,steel-plate,30,advanced-circuit
54 ,power-armor,angels-personal-equipment-armor,40,steel-plate,20,electric-engine-unit,40,processing-unit
55 ,assembling-machine-2,bob-assembly-machine,1,assembling-machine-1,2,steel-plate,5,iron-gear-wheel,3,electronic-circuit
56 ,pumpjack,extraction-machine,5,steel-plate,10,iron-gear-wheel,5,electronic-circuit,10,pipe
57 ,grenade,angels-capsules-a,5,iron-plate,10,coal
58 ,cluster-grenade,angels-capsules-a,5,steel-plate,5,explosives,7,grenade
59 ,storage-tank,angels-fluid-tanks,20,iron-plate,5,steel-plate,1,bob-small-inline-storage-tank
60 ,engine-unit,angels-basic-intermediate,1,steel-plate,1,iron-gear-wheel,2,pipe
61 ,oil-refinery,petrochem-buildings-oil-refinery,6,steel-plate,12,steel-gear-wheel,4,electronic-circuit,36,steel-pipe
62 ,roboport,angels-roboport-a,15,steel-plate,5,roboport-antenna-1,1,roboport-door-1,4,roboport-chargepad-1
63 ,pump,angels-fluid-control,1,steel-plate,1,engine-unit,1,copper-pipe
64 ,gate,angels-exploration-walls,2,steel-plate,2,electronic-circuit,1,stone-wall
65 ,repair-pack,angels-chests-small-a,2,iron-gear-wheel,2,basic-circuit-board
66 ,steel-furnace,smelting-machine,10,stone-brick,6,steel-plate
67 ,artillery-turret,angels-artillery-a,60,concrete,60,steel-plate,40,iron-gear-wheel,20,advanced-circuit
68 ,flamethrower-turret,angels-fire,20,steel-plate,5,engine-unit,1,flamethrower,10,pipe
69 ,gun-turret,angels-physical-aa,5,copper-plate,10,iron-plate,1,submachine-gun
70 ,laser-turret,angels-electric-a,20,steel-plate,12,battery,20,electronic-circuit
71 ,underground-belt,bob-logistic-tier-1,14,tin-plate,20,iron-gear-wheel,2,basic-underground-belt
72 ,cannon-shell,angels-exploration-tank-a,2,steel-plate,2,plastic-bar,1,explosives
73 ,flamethrower-ammo,angels-fire,5,steel-plate,50,liquid-fuel-oil,50,liquid-naphtha
74 ,firearm-magazine,angels-physical-aa,4,iron-plate
75 ,shotgun-shell,angels-physical-ba,2,copper-plate,2,iron-plate
76 ,explosive-cannon-shell,angels-exploration-tank-a,2,steel-plate,2,plastic-bar,2,explosives
77 ,piercing-rounds-magazine,angels-physical-aa,5,copper-plate,1,steel-plate,1,firearm-magazine
78 ,piercing-shotgun-shell,angels-physical-ba,5,copper-plate,2,steel-plate,2,shotgun-shell
79 ,assembling-machine-3,bob-assembly-machine,1,assembling-machine-2,9,steel-plate,5,steel-gear-wheel,3,advanced-circuit
80 ,poison-capsule,angels-capsules-a,3,steel-plate,10,coal,3,electronic-circuit
81 ,slowdown-capsule,angels-capsules-a,2,steel-plate,5,coal,2,electronic-circuit
82 ,electric-furnace,smelting-machine,10,stone-brick,10,steel-plate,5,advanced-circuit
83 ,splitter,bob-logistic-tier-1,8,tin-plate,14,iron-gear-wheel,5,basic-circuit-board,1,basic-splitter
84 ,sulfuric-acid,angels-fluid-converter-petrochem-sulfer-fluids,1,iron-plate,5,sulfur,100,water-purified
85 ,belt-immunity-equipment,angels-personal-equipment-power-d,10,steel-plate,5,advanced-circuit
86 ,offshore-pump,washing-building,1,iron-gear-wheel,2,basic-circuit-board,1,pipe
87 ,loader,belt,5,iron-plate,5,iron-gear-wheel,5,electronic-circuit,5,transport-belt,5,inserter
88 ,power-switch,circuit-network,5,copper-cable,5,iron-plate,2,electronic-circuit
89 ,programmable-speaker,circuit-network,5,copper-cable,3,iron-plate,4,iron-stick,4,electronic-circuit
90 ,radar,angels-artillery-a,10,iron-plate,5,iron-gear-wheel,5,basic-circuit-board
91 ,discharge-defense-equipment,angels-personal-equipment-combat-c,20,steel-plate,5,processing-unit,10,laser-turret
92 ,burner-inserter,bob-logistic-tier-0,1,iron-plate,1,iron-gear-wheel
93 ,inserter,bob-logistic-tier-1,1,iron-plate,1,iron-gear-wheel,1,basic-circuit-board
94 ,centrifuge,production-machine,100,concrete,50,steel-plate,100,iron-gear-wheel,100,advanced-circuit
95 ,lab,production-machine,10,iron-gear-wheel,10,basic-circuit-board,4,basic-transport-belt
96 ,empty-barrel,angels-fluid-control,1,steel-plate
97 ,refined-concrete,angels-stone-casting,20,concrete,1,steel-plate,8,iron-stick,100,water
98 ,copper-cable,angels-copper-casting,1,copper-plate
99 ,steel-plate,angels-steel-casting,2,iron-plate,10,gas-oxygen

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
open(my $in, "<", "./mod-recipes/intermediate.csv") or die "Can't open intermediates.csv";
open(my $out, ">", "./mod-recipes/raw.csv") or die "Can't open raw.csv";
sub raw_ingredients () {
$product = $ARGV[1];
while (<$in>){
@line = split(",", $_);
if ($line[1] == $product) {
print "ingredients $line[4]\n";
@ingredients = split(/\+/, $line[4]);
print "\t\@ingredients: @ingredients \n";
foreach my $ingredient (@ingredients) {
print "\t\t\$ingredient: $ingredient\n";
print "\t\t\trecurring! \$ingredient = $ingredient\n";
else {