
45 lines
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-- Xmobar (
-- This is the default xmobar configuration for DTOS.
-- This config is packaged in the DTOS repo as dtos-xmobar
-- Dependencies: otf-font-awesome ttf-mononoki ttf-ubuntu-font-family trayer
-- Also depends on scripts from dtos-local-bin from the dtos-core-repo.
Config { font = "xft:Ubuntu:weight=bold:size=8:antialias=true:hinting=true"
, additionalFonts = [ "xft:Mononoki:pixelsize=11:antialias=true:hinting=true"
, "xft:Font Awesome 6 Free Solid:pixelsize=12"
, "xft:Font Awesome 6 Brands:pixelsize=12"
, bgColor = "#282c34"
, fgColor = "#ff6c6b"
-- Position TopSize and BottomSize take 3 arguments:
-- an alignment parameter (L/R/C) for Left, Right or Center.
-- an integer for the percentage width, so 100 would be 100%.
-- an integer for the minimum pixel height for xmobar, so 24 would force a height of at least 24 pixels.
-- NOTE: The height should be the same as the trayer (system tray) height.
, position = TopSize L 100 24
, lowerOnStart = True
, hideOnStart = False
, allDesktops = True
, persistent = True
, iconRoot = ".xmonad/xpm/" -- default: "."
, commands = [
Run Com "echo" ["<fn=3>\xf17c</fn>"] "penguin" 3600
, Run Com ".local/bin/kernel" [] "kernel" 36000
, Run Cpu ["-t", "<fn=2>\xf108</fn> cpu: (<total>%)","-H","50","--high","red"] 20
, Run Memory ["-t", "<fn=2>\xf233</fn> mem: <used>M (<usedratio>%)"] 20
, Run DiskU [("/", "<fn=2>\xf0c7</fn> /: <free> free")] [] 60
, Run DiskU [("/home/", "<fn=2>\xf0c7</fn> /home: <free> free")] [] 60
, Run Com "echo" ["<fn=2>\xf0aa</fn>"] "uparrow" 3600
, Run Uptime ["-t", "uptime: <days>d <hours>h"] 360
, Run Com "echo" ["<fn=2>\xf0f3</fn>"] "bell" 3600
, Run Com ".local/bin/pacupdate" [] "pacupdate" 36000
, Run Com "echo" ["<fn=2>\xf242</fn>"] "baticon" 3600
, Run BatteryP ["BAT0"] ["-t", "<acstatus><watts> (<left>%)"] 360
, Run Date "<fn=2>\xf017</fn> %b %d %Y - (%H:%M) " "date" 50
, Run Com ".config/xmobar/" [] "trayerpad" 20
, Run XMonadLog
, sepChar = "%"
, alignSep = "}{"
, template = "<fc=#666666>|</fc> %XmonadLog }{ <box type=Bottom width=2 mb=2 color=#51afef><fc=#51afef>%penguin% <action=`alacritty -e htop`>%kernel%</action> </fc></box> <box type=Bottom width=2 mb=2 color=#ecbe7b><fc=#ecbe7b><action=`alacritty -e htop`>%cpu%</action></fc></box> <box type=Bottom width=2 mb=2 color=#ff6c6b><fc=#ff6c6b><action=`alacritty -e htop`>%memory%</action></fc></box> <box type=Bottom width=2 mb=2 color=#a9a1e1><fc=#a9a1e1><action=`alacritty -e htop`>%disku%</action></fc></box> <box type=Bottom width=2 mb=2 color=#98be65><fc=#98be65>%uparrow% <action=`alacritty -e htop`>%uptime%</action></fc></box> <box type=Bottom width=2 mb=2 color=#c678dd><fc=#c678dd>%bell% </fc></box> <box type=Bottom width=2 mb=2 color=#da8548><fc=#da8548>%baticon% %battery%</fc></box> <box type=Bottom width=2 mb=2 color=#46d9ff><fc=#46d9ff>%date%</fc></box> %trayerpad%"