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<title>Tech on phil@bajsicki:~$</title>
<description>Recent content in Tech on phil@bajsicki:~$</description>
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<title>On Mark Zuckerberg&#39;s recent claims</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 27 Sep 2024 12:55:00 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;The other day, a post on the fediverse caught my attention, linking to &lt;a href=&#34;;&gt;this article from The Verge.&lt;/a&gt; I thought I&amp;rsquo;d make some things clear.&lt;/p&gt;</description>
<title>A new look: ox-tufte</title>
<pubDate>Mon, 23 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;Struck by insomnia and dissatisfaction with the way my website has looked so far, I have opted for something less garish, and lighter, than before.&lt;/p&gt;</description>
<title>MissKey: Resetting Admin Password</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 11 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;So recently I had the need to reset the admin password in &lt;a href=&#34;;&gt;MissKey&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;&#xA;&lt;p&gt;Alas, there was no recovery email configured, nor other users on the instance, so I needed to do some digging in the database.&lt;/p&gt;</description>
<title>Shared hosting is a scam</title>
<pubDate>Wed, 29 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;won&amp;rsquo;t be the last time I rant against shared hosting, SaaS, and all the other &amp;lsquo;I want to be a landlord&amp;rsquo; scams out there.&lt;/p&gt;&#xA;&lt;p&gt;This time in shared hosting: friend of mine wants to set up a tech stack for their new agency. Website, email, CRM, the works.&lt;/p&gt;&#xA;&lt;!-- raw HTML omitted --&gt;&#xA;&lt;p&gt;Starting with&lt;/p&gt;</description>
<title>Note about LLM&#39;s and training data</title>
<pubDate>Thu, 09 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0100</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;No license is granted for any use of the content on this website for the purposes of training Large Language Models (commonly referred to as &amp;ldquo;AI&amp;rdquo;), commercial, or any other purposes not covered by Fair Use.&lt;/p&gt;&#xA;&lt;p&gt;Yes, I don&amp;rsquo;t want corporations to profit a single bit from my work. Bite me.&lt;/p&gt;&#xA;&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;;&gt;Join the FSF.&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</description>
<title>Efficient computer use</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 12 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0100</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;of things going in the background that kept me from writing more recently. Work has regularly left me brain-drained, and I&amp;rsquo;ve found myself in a position where I desperately need to focus on moving my career forward.&lt;/p&gt;&#xA;&lt;!-- raw HTML omitted --&gt;&#xA;&lt;p&gt;With this came&lt;/p&gt;</description>
<title>Haxe, heaps, and VSCode (small rant)</title>
<pubDate>Mon, 10 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;have been trying to set me up with a development environment to start working on a small game.&lt;/p&gt;&#xA;&lt;p&gt;He&amp;rsquo;s already made all the big choices, and so the plan was for me to set up with Haxe, Heaps, and the HashLink VM with the IDE VSCode.&lt;/p&gt;&#xA;&lt;p&gt;We got everything running, except for the debugger link. We spent - no joke - over two hours until we found an explanation for the issue.&lt;/p&gt;&#xA;&lt;!-- raw HTML omitted --&gt;&#xA;&lt;p&gt;There is an ex&lt;/p&gt;</description>
<title>VPS is my new friend</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 07 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;half, I have migrated all of my services over to a VPS that I am renting from &lt;a href=&#34;;&gt;;/a&gt;. Unsurprisingly, I am very happy with it.&lt;/p&gt;&#xA;&lt;!-- raw HTML omitted --&gt;&#xA;&lt;p&gt;To start with,&lt;/p&gt;</description>
<title>Considerations on FOSS and subscription models</title>
<pubDate>Sun, 02 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;ew days. Mulled it over. Thought about it. And I end up considering options.&lt;/p&gt;&#xA;&lt;p&gt;There are a ton of vendors for automation services. Zapier, Make, and others. Fundamentally what they do can be done as a one-time service.&lt;/p&gt;&#xA;&lt;!-- raw HTML omitted --&gt;&#xA;&lt;p&gt;Make the autom&lt;/p&gt;</description>
<title>I really, really like Emacs</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 01 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;I was taking with a friend a few hours ago and he mentioned that Emacs is intimidating. And yes, it may well appear so.&lt;/p&gt;</description>
<title>VPS set-up</title>
<pubDate>Thu, 18 Aug 2022 00:00:00 +0200</pubDate>
<description>&lt;p&gt;A few months ago I took up a project to centralize and collect all of my websites and email boxes.&lt;/p&gt;</description>