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<h1 class="content-title">On Avoidance in Business</h1><span class="content-meta"><p class="author">[Phil Bajsicki]</p><p class="date">2023-05-04</p><span>4 min read&nbsp;</span><a href="http://localhost:1313/tags/psychology">psychology</a>&nbsp;<a href="http://localhost:1313/tags/riskmanagement">riskmanagement</a>&nbsp;<a href="http://localhost:1313/tags/avoidance">avoidance</a>&nbsp;<a href="http://localhost:1313/tags/fear">fear</a>&nbsp;</span></section>
<section><p>I have worked with a wide variety of businesses. I feel like that puts me in a reasonably good position to comment on one of the most frequent issues small businesses encounter.</p>
<p>Unlike what some might claim, it&rsquo;s not a lack of vision, or a lack of SOPs and KPIs.</p>
<p><strong>The core problem of running a business is execution.</strong></p>
<p>Now, it might seem simple: Observe, Orient, Decide, Act.</p>
<p>Yet time and time again I have seen people fail at the final step. It sticks out like a sore thumb, and for good reason.</p>
<p>Regardless of the planning, vision, awareness, processes or culture you introduce into a business - no matter how great they are - <strong>it is impossible to succeed if the execution fails.</strong></p>
<p>And there are many reasons it can fail, for example:</p>
<li>tech issues,</li>
<li>team coordination,</li>
<li>lack of awareness,</li>
<p>The list can get quite long.</p>
<p>Most of these can be accounted for, and addressed before they happen. So, not really an issue in the first place. Tech can be set up, redundancies made, schedules adjusted.</p>
<p>Yet at the end of the day, all those are things that have to be <em>executed</em>. Someone has to get up and do them.</p>
<p>This isn&rsquo;t a problem in a large enough business that can hire more hands or outsource parts of their projects.</p>
<p>But <strong>when it comes to small teams, or one-man operations, execution is what truly determines success.</strong></p>
<p>You can plan, envision, coordinate, manage and lead&hellip; but someone has to pull the trigger.</p>
<p>And that&rsquo;s uncomfortable, especially in positions where you have to sell your product to people you don&rsquo;t know. Anxiety kicks in&hellip;</p>
<li><em>&ldquo;what if I don&rsquo;t get the sale?&rdquo;</em></li>
<li><em>&ldquo;what if they don&rsquo;t like me?</em></li>
<li><em>&ldquo;what if I mess up?&rdquo;</em></li>
<p>You get the idea. But it can get worse than that.</p>
<p><strong><em>&ldquo;If I don&rsquo;t get the sale, my business dies.&rdquo;</em></strong></p>
<p>This is dangerous not so much because it affects the sales process, and the interactions you have with your clients.</p>
<p><strong>This fear can be so great that you end up avoiding selling in the first place.</strong></p>
<p>Why? Because it&rsquo;s an existential dread about your livelihood. It&rsquo;s something we, being human, are uncomfortable with, and instinctively avoid. Even going so far as to shut it out of awareness, and unconsciously evading it whenever it comes up.</p>
<li>Goal: <em>&ldquo;I must sell something, now now now!&rdquo;</em></li>
<li>Query: <em>&ldquo;What&rsquo;s the best way to sell?&rdquo;</em></li>
<li>Answer: <em>&ldquo;I&rsquo;ll develop a process that gets me sales with as little discomfort as possible!&rdquo;</em></li>
<li><strong>Correct answer:</strong> <em>&ldquo;I&rsquo;ll call|email|contact as many people as possible before doing anything else until I have money in the bank.&rdquo;</em></li>
<p>This is how avoidance works. It&rsquo;s not invisible, exactly, but it&rsquo;s something that permeates the decision-making process and perverts incentives in an effort to avoid the scary and uncomfortable parts of life.</p>
<p>This same process applies to every part of life, of course.</p>
<p>One of the wisdoms I have found in life is the very short statement:</p>
<p><a href="">Choronzon</a> is the process by which means to ends become ends in themselves.</p>
<p>The only solution to this is to accept how things really are. Yes, things can get scary, they can get overwhelming and difficult.</p>
<p>Yet at the end of the day, those are feelings you have - they don&rsquo;t always reflect reality accurately. Nor should they keep you from taking the actions that you <em>know</em> are correct.</p>
<p>Falling to dispersion, getting lost in the weeds, and giving up agency are clear marks of cowardice in the face of reality.</p>
<p>One could say, in the face of God.</p>
<p>Reality can be challenging. Yet each challenge can be overcome, in one way or another. Some through effortful action, others through acceptance; whether by meditation, prayer, contemplation or other means.</p>
<p>Here is a Zen solution that I enjoy:</p>
<li>Sit down, with your spine straight.</li>
<li>Count your breaths up to 10. You can count both inhalations and exhalations to start with, and once you&rsquo;re used to it, you can count only full breath cycles.</li>
<li>Once you reach 10, start at 1 again.</li>
<li>If you lose your count, start at 1 again.</li>
<li>Sit for a short time to start with.</li>
<li>Your mind should NOT wander from your breath. If you find yourself daydreaming, or distracted by feelings, memories, thoughts: <em>gently</em> guide your attention back to your breath.</li>
<li>This is not a race. Simply let your mind rest upon your breath, and do nothing else as you sit.</li>
<p>This is called <a href="">susokukan</a>.</p>
<p>It&rsquo;s an excellent way to start your day, or to take a break between tasks to recover your mental energy.</p>
<p>In any case. I hope this has been helpful.</p>
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