
Efficient computer use

There’s been a whole bunch of things going in the background that kept me from writing more recently. Work has regularly left me …

Heaps of fun (Yakuza)

I’ve been a bit sick over the past week. Not the ‘rona as far as I can tell. Just a flu. Probably.

I spent most of that time …

Haxe, heaps, and VSCode (small rant)

Yesterday me and a friend have been trying to set me up with a development environment to start working on a small game.

He’s already …

Weekend thoughts - Mastering Emacs by Mickey Petersen

Over The Past few weeks I’ve found myself spending more and more time in Emacs. As such, I want to learn more about it, and how to use …

VPS is my new friend

Over the past month and a half, I have migrated all of my services over to a VPS that I am renting from Unsurprisingly, I am very …

Considerations on FOSS and subscription models

I’ve had this idea for a few days. Mulled it over. Thought about it. And I end up considering options.

There are a ton of vendors for …

I really, really like Emacs

I was taking with a friend a few hours ago and he mentioned that Emacs is intimidating. And yes, it may well appear so.

On the value of calling it a day (and how to get there)

There is little as refreshing as finishing all the work you have to do on a Friday early.

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