
A new look: ox-tufte

Struck by insomnia and dissatisfaction with the way my website has looked so far, I have opted for something less garish, and lighter, than before.

I was lucky enough to have stumpled onto this wonderful stylesheet based on Edward Tufte’s work, and couldn’t help but look for an implementation that would be compatible with org-mode.

Fortunately, I found one that seems to do exactly what I wanted it to.

ox-tufte is an HTML export backend for org-mode which makes the output HTML compatible with the stylesheet.

I did make a few adjustments, namely:

I think it looks rather good, and it’ll let me go over my existing articles and add the side/margin notes (1)Yay! This is how every footnote should be. None of that scrolling for miles to find what you’re interested in stuff.] that I wanted, but couldn’t before .

Overall, I am quite happy with this (2)I know there is some js in the HTML that’s generated. I aim to remove it at some point. No big deal for now. . And it only took… 3-4 hours of work, research included. Pretty cool!

Very happy indeed.

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