
Overcoming typing-related RSI

[2022-09-22 Thu]

Over the past few weeks, I’ve found that decreasing the amount I type has helped a lot. I can’t remember the last time I was unable to sleep due to pain.

I now type only when necessary - much less than before. My language is more brief. It’s becoming a habit to leave explanations out of what I say.

I still type a lot at work. When segments - such as today - happen, during which I type non-stop for longer than about 50-60 minutes, the pain does set in, and takes a few hours to subside again.

Still, it does not get to the point where I need to take painkillers to continue work at a slower pace.

RSI (Repetitive Strain Injuries) take a very long time to heal. If you’re at risk, re-think your ergonomics. Some of the solutions I’ve implemented, which have helped a lot are:

The whole reason this article is here so late is because I had to give my arms time to rest, and recover to the point where I can type somewhat comfortably.

Even with that, having written this in one go, I am finding my forearms starting to ache. Not great. Take care of ergonomics - if your life relies on being able to type, you can’t take risks.

Serious cases of RSI can take YEARS to heal. Stay safe.