Posts on phil@bajsicki:~$ http://localhost:1313/posts/ Recent content in Posts on phil@bajsicki:~$ Hugo en-us Fri, 27 Sep 2024 12:55:00 +0200 On Mark Zuckerberg's recent claims http://localhost:1313/posts/zucc-may-be-lying/ Fri, 27 Sep 2024 12:55:00 +0200 http://localhost:1313/posts/zucc-may-be-lying/ <p>The other day, a post on the fediverse caught my attention, linking to <a href="">this article from The Verge.</a> I thought I&rsquo;d make some things clear.</p> Shiny objects, and learning http://localhost:1313/posts/shiny-objects-and-learning/ Wed, 24 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 http://localhost:1313/posts/shiny-objects-and-learning/ <p>It&rsquo;s been three months, and life has moved forward a little. Today&rsquo;s rant is one that&rsquo;s been brewing in me for a long time.</p> <p>One of the most pernicious, annoying, frustrating, infuriating aspects of online businesses is the influence of non-technical management.</p> A kind view of business http://localhost:1313/posts/a-kind-view-of-business/ Thu, 25 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0100 http://localhost:1313/posts/a-kind-view-of-business/ <p>Scrolling LinkedIn today, I saw a post talking about the entitled attitude of business owners when hiring<label for="sidenote-1" class="margin-toggle sidenote-number">(1)</label> <input type="checkbox" id="sidenote-1" class="margin-toggle"/> <span class="sidenote"> <span class="sidenote-number">(1)</span>Sorry for not linking to it, I can&rsquo;t morally support that platform. </span> .</p> A new look: ox-tufte http://localhost:1313/posts/a-new-look/ Mon, 23 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0200 http://localhost:1313/posts/a-new-look/ <p>Struck by insomnia and dissatisfaction with the way my website has looked so far, I have opted for something less garish, and lighter, than before.</p> MissKey: Resetting Admin Password http://localhost:1313/posts/misskey-resetting-admin-password/ Fri, 11 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0200 http://localhost:1313/posts/misskey-resetting-admin-password/ <p>So recently I had the need to reset the admin password in <a href="">MissKey</a>.</p> <p>Alas, there was no recovery email configured, nor other users on the instance, so I needed to do some digging in the database.</p> My favorite Factorio mods http://localhost:1313/posts/my-favorite-factorio-mods/ Mon, 24 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0200 http://localhost:1313/posts/my-favorite-factorio-mods/ <p>I&rsquo;ve been meaning to make a list of Factorio mods that I&rsquo;ve really liked, and write a little bit about them. While Factorio is a masterpiece in both game design and quality, there are many mods for it that make the game either more fun, entirely different, or plain ol&rsquo; QoL.</p> On Avoidance in Business http://localhost:1313/posts/avoidance-in-business/ Thu, 04 May 2023 00:00:00 +0200 http://localhost:1313/posts/avoidance-in-business/ <p>I have worked with a wide variety of businesses. I feel like that puts me in a reasonably good position to comment on one of the most frequent issues small businesses encounter.</p> Some words in a moment of peace http://localhost:1313/posts/words-in-a-moment-of-peace/ Tue, 04 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0200 http://localhost:1313/posts/words-in-a-moment-of-peace/ <p>There are many things in the world which annoy me.</p> <p>Yet time and time again, I have these moments of clarity where the world makes sense and everything is good. It&rsquo;s hopeful.</p> Wisdom from a Satyr http://localhost:1313/posts/wisdom-from-a-satyr/ Thu, 30 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0200 http://localhost:1313/posts/wisdom-from-a-satyr/ <p>This is something a dear friend said in a chat a while back. I thought it was one an awesome summary of the human condition.</p> Shared hosting is a scam http://localhost:1313/posts/shared-hosting-scam/ Wed, 29 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0200 http://localhost:1313/posts/shared-hosting-scam/ <p>won&rsquo;t be the last time I rant against shared hosting, SaaS, and all the other &lsquo;I want to be a landlord&rsquo; scams out there.</p> <p>This time in shared hosting: friend of mine wants to set up a tech stack for their new agency. Website, email, CRM, the works.</p> <!-- raw HTML omitted --> <p>Starting with</p> Note about LLM's and training data http://localhost:1313/posts/llm-note/ Thu, 09 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0100 http://localhost:1313/posts/llm-note/ <p>No license is granted for any use of the content on this website for the purposes of training Large Language Models (commonly referred to as &ldquo;AI&rdquo;), commercial, or any other purposes not covered by Fair Use.</p> <p>Yes, I don&rsquo;t want corporations to profit a single bit from my work. Bite me.</p> <p><a href="">Join the FSF.</a></p> Brain supplements: A two month summary http://localhost:1313/posts/brain-lube-3/ Fri, 06 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0100 http://localhost:1313/posts/brain-lube-3/ <p>Over the past two months I&rsquo;ve been trying out some brain supplements for my issues with focus and concentration.</p> [Happy Holidays!] On posting lists for self-promotion http://localhost:1313/posts/lists-self-promotion/ Sun, 25 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0100 http://localhost:1313/posts/lists-self-promotion/ <p>Recently I have been talked into signing up for LinkedIn by a friend. I found myself faced with a wall of blatant self-promotion.</p> On Problems http://localhost:1313/posts/on-problems/ Mon, 21 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0100 http://localhost:1313/posts/on-problems/ <p>I had a fairly interesting conversation today with a young immigrant from Palestine to Germany.</p> Trying out some brain supplements, pt. 2 http://localhost:1313/posts/brain-lube-2/ Sun, 20 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0100 http://localhost:1313/posts/brain-lube-2/ <p>Two days have passed. I&rsquo;ve found that <a href="">Alpha-GPC should be dosed at twice what I&rsquo;ve been using.</a> Today&rsquo;s the first day that I&rsquo;ve done that.</p> Trying out some brain supplements http://localhost:1313/posts/brain-lube/ Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0100 http://localhost:1313/posts/brain-lube/ <p>As a person working in a high-speed, high-attention and multifaceted environment (currently working as an Executive Assistant, soon starting a new job in Quality Assurance), I am changing contexts all the time.</p> Efficient computer use http://localhost:1313/posts/efficiency-typing/ Sat, 12 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0100 http://localhost:1313/posts/efficiency-typing/ <p>of things going in the background that kept me from writing more recently. Work has regularly left me brain-drained, and I&rsquo;ve found myself in a position where I desperately need to focus on moving my career forward.</p> <!-- raw HTML omitted --> <p>With this came</p> Heaps of fun (Yakuza) http://localhost:1313/posts/games-yakuza/ Mon, 17 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0200 http://localhost:1313/posts/games-yakuza/ <p>I&rsquo;ve been a bit sick over the past week. Not the &lsquo;rona as far as I can tell. Just a flu. Probably.</p> <p>I spent most of that time playing <em>Yakuza Zero</em>, then <em>Kiwami</em>, and now I&rsquo;m in the middle of playing through <em>Kiwami 2</em>.</p> Haxe, heaps, and VSCode (small rant) http://localhost:1313/posts/haxe-vscode/ Mon, 10 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0200 http://localhost:1313/posts/haxe-vscode/ <p>have been trying to set me up with a development environment to start working on a small game.</p> <p>He&rsquo;s already made all the big choices, and so the plan was for me to set up with Haxe, Heaps, and the HashLink VM with the IDE VSCode.</p> <p>We got everything running, except for the debugger link. We spent - no joke - over two hours until we found an explanation for the issue.</p> <!-- raw HTML omitted --> <p>There is an ex</p> Weekend thoughts - Mastering Emacs by Mickey Petersen http://localhost:1313/posts/mastering-emacs/ Sat, 08 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0200 http://localhost:1313/posts/mastering-emacs/ <p>Over The Past few weeks I&rsquo;ve found myself spending more and more time in Emacs. As such, I want to learn more about it, and how to use it effectively. It seems worth the effort, because if I save 5 seconds every day, that stacks up and saves inordinate amounts of time.</p> VPS is my new friend http://localhost:1313/posts/vps-is-my-new-friend/ Fri, 07 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0200 http://localhost:1313/posts/vps-is-my-new-friend/ <p>half, I have migrated all of my services over to a VPS that I am renting from <a href=""></a>. Unsurprisingly, I am very happy with it.</p> <!-- raw HTML omitted --> <p>To start with,</p> Considerations on FOSS and subscription models http://localhost:1313/posts/foss-subscription-model/ Sun, 02 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0200 http://localhost:1313/posts/foss-subscription-model/ <p>ew days. Mulled it over. Thought about it. And I end up considering options.</p> <p>There are a ton of vendors for automation services. Zapier, Make, and others. Fundamentally what they do can be done as a one-time service.</p> <!-- raw HTML omitted --> <p>Make the autom</p> I really, really like Emacs http://localhost:1313/posts/i-love-emacs/ Sat, 01 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0200 http://localhost:1313/posts/i-love-emacs/ <p>I was taking with a friend a few hours ago and he mentioned that Emacs is intimidating. And yes, it may well appear so.</p> On the value of calling it a day (and how to get there) http://localhost:1313/posts/call-it-a-day/ Fri, 30 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0200 http://localhost:1313/posts/call-it-a-day/ <p>There is little as refreshing as finishing all the work you have to do on a Friday early.</p> Realistic deadlines http://localhost:1313/posts/realistic-deadlines/ Fri, 30 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0200 http://localhost:1313/posts/realistic-deadlines/ <p>Recently a wrote an after-action report on a project that failed to materialize for a number of reasons. The details are irrelevant - whether it worked or not would be an afterthought given its consequences in other places.</p> Some thoughts on SaaS and business applications of Free Software http://localhost:1313/posts/saas-business-foss/ Wed, 28 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0200 http://localhost:1313/posts/saas-business-foss/ <p>SaaS is a pain in the rear for many reasons, which bother me a lot and which I can&rsquo;t help but vent about today.</p> Overcoming typing-related RSI http://localhost:1313/posts/overcoming-rsi/ Thu, 22 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0200 http://localhost:1313/posts/overcoming-rsi/ <p><!-- raw HTML omitted --><!-- raw HTML omitted -->[2022-09-22 Thu]<!-- raw HTML omitted --><!-- raw HTML omitted --></p> <p>Over the past few weeks, I&rsquo;ve found that decreasing the amount I type has helped a lot. I can&rsquo;t remember the last time I was unable to sleep due to pain.</p> Learning a new keyboard layout http://localhost:1313/posts/new-keyboard-layout-colemak-dh/ Thu, 18 Aug 2022 00:00:00 +0200 http://localhost:1313/posts/new-keyboard-layout-colemak-dh/ <p><!-- raw HTML omitted --><!-- raw HTML omitted -->[2022-08-18 Thu]<!-- raw HTML omitted --><!-- raw HTML omitted --></p> <p>Given that I type a lot - and I do mean A LOT, and I&rsquo;m past the age of good hand health&hellip; I&rsquo;m in a certain amount of constant pain.</p> VPS set-up http://localhost:1313/posts/vps-setup/ Thu, 18 Aug 2022 00:00:00 +0200 http://localhost:1313/posts/vps-setup/ <p>A few months ago I took up a project to centralize and collect all of my websites and email boxes.</p>