# Set your theme here theme: hugo-tufte # Remove this if your site folder is not inside the theme folder themesDir: "../.." # The language of your website (see https://www.andiamo.co.uk/resources/iso-language-codes/ for reference) languageCode: en-US # If you write Chinese, Japanese or Korean, this helps with word counting hasCJKLanguage: true # The url of your website baseurl: "https://hugo-tufte.netlify.app/" # The title of your website (shown on all the pages) title: "Hugo-Tufte Theme Example Site" canonifyurls: true # Number of posts per page on the home page paginate: 5 # Only modify the following if you know what you are doing markup: goldmark: renderer: unsafe: true highlight: noClasses: false guessSyntax: true params: # Subtitle of the website subtitle: "Fancy subtitle." favicon: "./favicon.ico" touchicon: "./touch-icon.png" # Dark code highlighting codeblocksdark: false # Customize the indicator for margin notes # Some suggestions: ⊕, 💬, 💭, 📑, 🏷, ✍, 💡, 🧐, 📎, 📌 marginNoteInd: "⊕" # Your name or the name of you company # copyright: Copyright 2023 # copyrightHolder: Copyright Holder # Show the "Powered by Hugo-Tufte and Hugo." showPoweredBy: false # The format to use for short dates shown in lists of posts. Defaults to "Jan 02" dateFormatShort: "Jan 02" # The format to use for dates on posts. Defaults to "2006-01-02" dateFormatLong: "2006-01-02" # Site wide kill switch for date in pages hidedate: false # Site wide kill switch for post summary on home page showSummary: true # Site wide kill switch for LaTeX support math: true KaTeXVersion: 0.16.4 KaTeXCDN: "//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm" # #### Control style flavours of the website # Use upright & sans-serif font for subtitles sansSubtitle: false # Make the page centred in screen centerArticle: false # ######## Common social website links, please comment the unused ones. # (if your favorite one is not in the list, please head to the footer menu below and add an entry) # Please note that some of the value below are only provided as an exemple, perhaps the computed isn't valid # github: slashformotion # gitlab: slashformotion # linkedin: # twitter: slashformotion # patreon: '' # youtube: user/ChromeDevelopers # check the end of your youtube url https://www.youtube.com/ # medium: slashformotion # reddit: Slashformotion # stackoverflow: 16609732/slashformotion # instagram: google # mastodon: instance.url/@username # orcid: 0000-0003-0634-3275 # google_scholar: jm5QaHkAAAAJ taxonomies: category: categories series: series tag: tags # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Navigation menu # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- menu: nav: - name: Home weight: -110 identifier: home url: / - name: Posts weight: -100 identifier: posts url: /posts/ - name: A-Book weight: -95 identifier: book url: /a-book/ - name: Categories weight: -90 identifier: categories url: /categories/ - name: About weight: -80 identifier: about url: /about/ - name: Source Code weight: -70 identifier: github url: "https://github.com/loikein/hugo-tufte" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # FOOTER MENU # If you need to add custom links to you footer: put them here. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # footer: # - name: Custom footer link # weight: -90 # identifier: custom_link # url: 'https://example.com'